Authored by : , ArifAhmad

04 Pages : 40-51


  • Abbas, Q., Hameed, A., & Waheed, A. (2011). Gender discrimination & its effect on employee performance/productivity. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(15), 170-176.
  • Ahmad, M. (2010). Implications of the War On Terror for Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies(3).
  • Baker, D., & Scantlebury, K. (1995). Science
  • Berson, I. R., & Berson, M. J. (2005). Challenging online behaviors of youth: Findings from a comparative analysis of young people in the United States and New Zealand. Social Science Computer Review, 23(1), 29-38.
  • Enochsson, A. (2005). A Gender Perspective on Internet Use: Consequences for Information Seeking. Information Research: An International Electronic Journal, 10(4), n4.
  • Falco, M. J. (2010). Feminist Interpretations of Mary Wollstonecraft: Penn State Press.
  • Fox, W. F., & Porca, S. (2001). Investing in rural infrastructure. International Regional Science Review, 24(1), 103-133.
  • Girardet, E. (2012). Afghanistan: The Soviet War: Routledge.
  • Hilali, A. (2017). US-Pakistan relationship: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan: Routledge.
  • Halpern, D. F. (1997). Sex differences in intelligence: Implications for education. American Psychologist, 52(10), 1091.
  • Hanton, P. B. (2015). The lack of women in technology: The role culture and sexism play.
  • Hu, T., Zhang, X., Dai, H., & Zhang, P. (2012). An examination of gender differences among college students in their usage perceptions of the internet. Education and Information Technologies, 17(3), 315-330.
  • Huhman, H. R. (2012). STEM fields and the gender gap: Where are the women. Retrieved April 5, 2014.
  • Javaid, U. (2015). Operation Zarb-e-Azb: A Successful Initiative to Curtail Terrorism. South Asian Studies (1026-678X), 30(2).
  • Kim, J. H., Lau, C., Cheuk, K.-K., Kan, P., Hui, H. L., & Griffiths, S. M. (2010). Brief report: Predictors of heavy Internet use and associations with health-promoting and health risk behaviors among Hong Kong university students. Journal of Adolescence, 33(1), 215-220.
  • Livingstone, S., & Bober, M. (2004). Taking up online opportunities? Children's uses of the Internet for education, communication, and participation. E-Learning and Digital Media, 1(3), 395-419.
  • Mohammad, I. (2016). Instability in Afghanistan: Implications for Pakistan. Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs.
  • Mahalik, J. R., Van Ormer, E. A., & Simi, N. L. (2000). Ethical issues in using self-disclosure in feminist therapy. Practicing feminist ethics in psychology, 189-201.
  • Njoroge, R. (2013). Impacts of social media among the youth on behavior change: a case study of University students in selected universities in Nairobi, Kenya. Unpublished Masters Thesis.
  • Parveen, S. (2007). Gender awareness of rural women in Bangladesh. Journal of International Women's Studies, 9(1), 253-269.
  • Pokharel, S. (2008). Gender discrimination: Women perspectives. Nepalese Journal of Development and Rural Studies, 5(2), 80-87.
  • Robinson, A. M., & Schlegl, K. (2005). Student use of the Internet for research projects: A problem? Our problem? What can we do about it? PS: Political Science & Politics, 38(2), 311-315.
  • Sein, M. K., & Harindranath, G. (2004). Conceptualizing the ICT artifact: Toward understanding the role of ICT in national development. The Information Society, 20(1), 15-24.
  • Siegmann, K. A. (2009). Gender digital divide in rural Pakistan: how wide is it and how to bridge it?
  • Silvermann, S., & Pritchard, M. (1996). Building their future: girls and technology education in Connecticut. Journal of Technology Education, 7(2).
  • Stanciu, V., & Tinca, A. (2014). A critical look on The Student Internet Use-An Empirical Study. Accounting and Management Information systems, 13(4), 739-754.
  • Tan, W.-K., & Yang, C.-Y. (2014). Internet applications use and personality. Telematics and Informatics, 31(1), 27-38.
  • UNICEF. (2013). the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the United Nations Population Fund: UNFPA), the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Office of the ....
  • Zainudeen, A., Iqbal, T., Samarajiva, R., & Ratnadiwakara, D. (2008). Who's got the phone? The gendered use of telephones at the bottom of the pyramid. LIRNEasia. Retrieved April 15, 2009.
  • Zaki, A. M., Van Boheemen, S., Bestebroer, T. M., Osterhaus, A. D., & Fouchier, R. A. (2012). Isolation of a novel coronavirus from a man with pneumonia in Saudi Arabia. New England Journal of Medicine, 367(19), 1814-1820.
  • Zolnierek, J., Eisner, J., & Burton, E. (2001). An empirical examination of entry patterns in local telephone markets. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 19(2), 143-159.
  • Zuga, K. F. (1999). Addressing Women's Ways of Knowing to Improve the Technology Education Environment for All Students. Journal of Technology Education, 10(2), 57-71.
  • Abbas, Q., Hameed, A., & Waheed, A. (2011). Gender discrimination & its effect on employee performance/productivity. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(15), 170-176.
  • Ahmad, M. (2010). Implications of the War On Terror for Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies(3).
  • Baker, D., & Scantlebury, K. (1995). Science
  • Berson, I. R., & Berson, M. J. (2005). Challenging online behaviors of youth: Findings from a comparative analysis of young people in the United States and New Zealand. Social Science Computer Review, 23(1), 29-38.
  • Enochsson, A. (2005). A Gender Perspective on Internet Use: Consequences for Information Seeking. Information Research: An International Electronic Journal, 10(4), n4.
  • Falco, M. J. (2010). Feminist Interpretations of Mary Wollstonecraft: Penn State Press.
  • Fox, W. F., & Porca, S. (2001). Investing in rural infrastructure. International Regional Science Review, 24(1), 103-133.
  • Girardet, E. (2012). Afghanistan: The Soviet War: Routledge.
  • Hilali, A. (2017). US-Pakistan relationship: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan: Routledge.
  • Halpern, D. F. (1997). Sex differences in intelligence: Implications for education. American Psychologist, 52(10), 1091.
  • Hanton, P. B. (2015). The lack of women in technology: The role culture and sexism play.
  • Hu, T., Zhang, X., Dai, H., & Zhang, P. (2012). An examination of gender differences among college students in their usage perceptions of the internet. Education and Information Technologies, 17(3), 315-330.
  • Huhman, H. R. (2012). STEM fields and the gender gap: Where are the women. Retrieved April 5, 2014.
  • Javaid, U. (2015). Operation Zarb-e-Azb: A Successful Initiative to Curtail Terrorism. South Asian Studies (1026-678X), 30(2).
  • Kim, J. H., Lau, C., Cheuk, K.-K., Kan, P., Hui, H. L., & Griffiths, S. M. (2010). Brief report: Predictors of heavy Internet use and associations with health-promoting and health risk behaviors among Hong Kong university students. Journal of Adolescence, 33(1), 215-220.
  • Livingstone, S., & Bober, M. (2004). Taking up online opportunities? Children's uses of the Internet for education, communication, and participation. E-Learning and Digital Media, 1(3), 395-419.
  • Mohammad, I. (2016). Instability in Afghanistan: Implications for Pakistan. Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs.
  • Mahalik, J. R., Van Ormer, E. A., & Simi, N. L. (2000). Ethical issues in using self-disclosure in feminist therapy. Practicing feminist ethics in psychology, 189-201.
  • Njoroge, R. (2013). Impacts of social media among the youth on behavior change: a case study of University students in selected universities in Nairobi, Kenya. Unpublished Masters Thesis.
  • Parveen, S. (2007). Gender awareness of rural women in Bangladesh. Journal of International Women's Studies, 9(1), 253-269.
  • Pokharel, S. (2008). Gender discrimination: Women perspectives. Nepalese Journal of Development and Rural Studies, 5(2), 80-87.
  • Robinson, A. M., & Schlegl, K. (2005). Student use of the Internet for research projects: A problem? Our problem? What can we do about it? PS: Political Science & Politics, 38(2), 311-315.
  • Sein, M. K., & Harindranath, G. (2004). Conceptualizing the ICT artifact: Toward understanding the role of ICT in national development. The Information Society, 20(1), 15-24.
  • Siegmann, K. A. (2009). Gender digital divide in rural Pakistan: how wide is it and how to bridge it?
  • Silvermann, S., & Pritchard, M. (1996). Building their future: girls and technology education in Connecticut. Journal of Technology Education, 7(2).
  • Stanciu, V., & Tinca, A. (2014). A critical look on The Student Internet Use-An Empirical Study. Accounting and Management Information systems, 13(4), 739-754.
  • Tan, W.-K., & Yang, C.-Y. (2014). Internet applications use and personality. Telematics and Informatics, 31(1), 27-38.
  • UNICEF. (2013). the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the United Nations Population Fund: UNFPA), the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Office of the ....
  • Zainudeen, A., Iqbal, T., Samarajiva, R., & Ratnadiwakara, D. (2008). Who's got the phone? The gendered use of telephones at the bottom of the pyramid. LIRNEasia. Retrieved April 15, 2009.
  • Zaki, A. M., Van Boheemen, S., Bestebroer, T. M., Osterhaus, A. D., & Fouchier, R. A. (2012). Isolation of a novel coronavirus from a man with pneumonia in Saudi Arabia. New England Journal of Medicine, 367(19), 1814-1820.
  • Zolnierek, J., Eisner, J., & Burton, E. (2001). An empirical examination of entry patterns in local telephone markets. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 19(2), 143-159.
  • Zuga, K. F. (1999). Addressing Women's Ways of Knowing to Improve the Technology Education Environment for All Students. Journal of Technology Education, 10(2), 57-71.

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    APA : (2020). Men's Perception of Women Regarding the Internet Usage in the Khyber Agency Pakistan: An Exploratory Study. Global Mass Communication Review, V(I), 40-51.
    CHICAGO : 2020. "Men's Perception of Women Regarding the Internet Usage in the Khyber Agency Pakistan: An Exploratory Study." Global Mass Communication Review, V (I): 40-51 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-I).04
    HARVARD : 2020. Men's Perception of Women Regarding the Internet Usage in the Khyber Agency Pakistan: An Exploratory Study. Global Mass Communication Review, V, 40-51.
    MHRA : 2020. "Men's Perception of Women Regarding the Internet Usage in the Khyber Agency Pakistan: An Exploratory Study." Global Mass Communication Review, V: 40-51
    MLA : "Men's Perception of Women Regarding the Internet Usage in the Khyber Agency Pakistan: An Exploratory Study." Global Mass Communication Review, V.I (2020): 40-51 Print.
    OXFORD : (2020), "Men's Perception of Women Regarding the Internet Usage in the Khyber Agency Pakistan: An Exploratory Study", Global Mass Communication Review, V (I), 40-51
    TURABIAN : "Men's Perception of Women Regarding the Internet Usage in the Khyber Agency Pakistan: An Exploratory Study." Global Mass Communication Review V, no. I (2020): 40-51.