Authored by : SyedHassanRaza , TahirMahmood , MoneebaIftikhar

02 Pages : 15-29


  • Abu Bakar, H., & McCann, R. M. (2016). An Examination of Leader-Member Dyadic Politeness of Exchange and Servant Leadership on Group Member Performance. International Journal of Business Communication, 1-25. DOI: 10.1177/23294884155975
  • Bakar, H. A., Mohamad, B., & Mustafa, C. S. (2007). Superior-Subordinate Communication Dimensions and Working Relationship: Gender Preferences in a Malaysian Organization. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 36(1), 51-69.
  • Bartlett, J. E., Kotrlik, J. W. K. J. W., & Higgins, C. (2001). Organizational research: Determining appropriate sample size in survey research appropriate sample size in survey research. Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, 19(1), 43.
  • Bisel, R. S., & Kramer, M. W. (2014). Denying what workers believe are unethical workplace requests: Do workers use moral, operational, or policy justifications publicly? Management Communication Quarterly, 28(1), 111-129.
  • Cairney, P. (2013). Understanding public policy : theories and issues. Public Administration, 91(3), 782-793.
  • Considine, M. (2012). Thinking Outside the Box? Applying Design Theory to Public Policy. Politics & Policy, 40(4), 704-724.
  • Dieleman, M., Shaw, D. M., & Zwanikken, P. (2011). Improving the implementation of health workforce policies through governance: a review of case studies. Human Resources for Health, 9(1), 10. DOI: 10.1186/1478-4491-9-10
  • Evans, B., & Wellstead, A. (2013). Policy dialogue and engagement between non-governmental organizations and government: A survey of processes and instruments of canadian policy workers. Central European Journal of Public Policy, 7(1), 60-87.
  • Farr, J., Hacker, J. S., & Kazee, N. (2006). The Policy Scientist of Democracy: The Discipline of Harold D. Lasswell. American Political Science Review, 100(4), 579-588.
  • Farr, J., Hacker, J. S., & Kazee, N. (2008). Revisiting Lasswell. Policy Sciences, 41(1), 21-32.
  • Fischer, F., Miller, G. J., & Sidney, M. S. (2007). Handbook of public policy analysis : theory, politics, and methods. Methods, 125, 642
  • Fulton, B. (2004). Communication Researchers and Policy-Making. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 48(1), 151-154.
  • Hallsworth, M. (2011). Policymaking in the Real World. Political Insight, 2(1), 10-12.
  • Hasnain, A., Raza, S. H., & Qureshi, U. S. (2020). The Impact of Personal and Cultural Factors on Green Buying Intentions with Mediating Roles of Environmental Attitude and Eco- Labels as Well as Gender as a Moderator. South Asian Journal of Management, 14(1), 1-27.
  • Hayes, A. F., Montoya, A. K., & Rockwood, N. J. (2017). The analysis of mechanisms and their contingencies: PROCESS versus structural equation modeling. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 25(1), 76-81.
  • Howlett, M., Tan, S. L., Migone, A., Wellstead, A., & Evans, B. (2014). The distribution of analytical techniques in policy advisory systems: Policy formulation and the tools of policy appraisal. Public Policy and Administration, 29(4), 271-291.
  • John, P., & Cole, A. (2000). When Do Institutions, Policy Sectors, and Cities Matter?: Comparing Networks of Local Policy Makers in Britain and France. Comparative Political Studies, 33(2), 248-268.
  • Knill, C., & Bauer, M. W. (2016). Policymaking by international public administrations: concepts, causes and consequences. Journal of European Public Policy, 23(7), 949-959
  • Lamude, K. G., Scudder, J., Simmons, D., & Torres, P. (2004). Organizational Newcomers: Temporary and Regular Employees, Same-Sex and Mixed-Sex Superior-Subordinate Dyads, Supervisor Influence Techniques, Subordinates Communication Satisfaction, and Leader-Member Exchange. Communication Research Reports, 24(1), 60-67.
  • May, P. J., & Jochim, A. E. (2013). Policy regime perspectives: Policies, politics, and governing. Policy Studies Journal, 41(3), 426-452.
  • Mayer, I. S., van Daalen, C. E., & Bots, P. W. G. (2004). Perspectives on policy analysis: a framework for understanding and design. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 4(2), 169-191.
  • c, E. E. W., Patrick, S., & King, W. (1996). Job level as a systemic variable in predicting the relationship between supervisory communication and job satisfaction. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 69, 277-293.
  • Mytelka, L. K., & Smith, K. (2002). Policy learning and innovation theory: an interactive and co- evolving process. Research Policy, 31(8-9), 1467-1479.
  • Parsons, W. (2002). From Muddling Through to Muddling Up - Evidence Based Policy Making and the Modernisation of British Government. Public Policy and Administration, 17(3), 43-60.
  • Pelletier, D. L., Frongillo, E. A., Gervais, S., Hoey, L., Menon, P., Ngo, T., ... Ahmed, T. (2012). Nutrition agenda setting, policy formulation and implementation: Lessons from the Mainstreaming Nutrition Initiative. Health Policy and Planning, 27(1), 19-31.
  • Preacher, K. J., Rucker, D. D., & Hayes, A. F. (2007). Addressing moderated mediation hypotheses: Theory, methods, and prescriptions. Multivariate behavioral research, 42(1), 185-227.
  • Raudenbush, S. W., & Bryk, A. S. (2002). Hierarchical linear models: Applications and data analysis methods (Vol. 1). Sage.
  • Raza, S. H., Bakar, H. A., & Mohamad, B. (2019). The effects of advertising appeals on consumers' behavioural intention towards global brands. Journal of Islamic Marketing. Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 440-460.
  • c, S. H., Bakar, H. A., & Mohamad, B. (2018). Advertising appeals and Malaysian culture norms: Scale content validation. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 28(1), 61-82.
  • Remland, M. S. (1984). Leadership impressions and nonverbal communication in a superior- subordinate interaction. Communication Quarterly, 32(1), 41-48.
  • Steele, G. A., & Plenty, D. (2015). Supervisor-Subordinate Communication Competence and Job and Communication Satisfaction. Journal of Business Communication, 52(3), 294-318.
  • Stoker, G. (1998). Governance as theory: five propositions. International Social Science Journal,50(155), 17-28.
  • Strehlenert, H., Richter-Sundberg, L., Nyström, M. E., & Hasson, H. (2015). Evidence-informed policy formulation and implementation: a comparative case study of two national policies for improving health and social care in Sweden. Implementation Science, 10(1), 169.
  • Tambulasi, R. I. C. (2011). Local Government Without Governance: A New Institutional Perspective of Local Governance Policy Paralysis in Malawi. Public Policy and Administration, 26(3), 333-352.
  • Tanner, G., & Otto, K. (2016). Superior-subordinate communication during organizational change: under which conditions does high-quality communication become important?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(19), 2183-2201.
  • Tuu, H. H., Olsen, S. O., Thao, D. T., & Anh, N. T. K. (2008). The role of norms in explaining attitudes, intention and consumption of a common food (fish) in Vietnam. Appetite, 51(3), 546-551.
  • Wellstead, A. M., Stedman, R. C., & Howlett, M. (2011). Policy Analytical Capacity in Changing Dovernance Contexts: A Structural Equation Model (sem) Study of Contemporary Canadian Policy Work. Public Policy and Administration, 26(3), 353-373.
  • Abu Bakar, H., & McCann, R. M. (2016). An Examination of Leader-Member Dyadic Politeness of Exchange and Servant Leadership on Group Member Performance. International Journal of Business Communication, 1-25. DOI: 10.1177/23294884155975
  • Bakar, H. A., Mohamad, B., & Mustafa, C. S. (2007). Superior-Subordinate Communication Dimensions and Working Relationship: Gender Preferences in a Malaysian Organization. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 36(1), 51-69.
  • Bartlett, J. E., Kotrlik, J. W. K. J. W., & Higgins, C. (2001). Organizational research: Determining appropriate sample size in survey research appropriate sample size in survey research. Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, 19(1), 43.
  • Bisel, R. S., & Kramer, M. W. (2014). Denying what workers believe are unethical workplace requests: Do workers use moral, operational, or policy justifications publicly? Management Communication Quarterly, 28(1), 111-129.
  • Cairney, P. (2013). Understanding public policy : theories and issues. Public Administration, 91(3), 782-793.
  • Considine, M. (2012). Thinking Outside the Box? Applying Design Theory to Public Policy. Politics & Policy, 40(4), 704-724.
  • Dieleman, M., Shaw, D. M., & Zwanikken, P. (2011). Improving the implementation of health workforce policies through governance: a review of case studies. Human Resources for Health, 9(1), 10. DOI: 10.1186/1478-4491-9-10
  • Evans, B., & Wellstead, A. (2013). Policy dialogue and engagement between non-governmental organizations and government: A survey of processes and instruments of canadian policy workers. Central European Journal of Public Policy, 7(1), 60-87.
  • Farr, J., Hacker, J. S., & Kazee, N. (2006). The Policy Scientist of Democracy: The Discipline of Harold D. Lasswell. American Political Science Review, 100(4), 579-588.
  • Farr, J., Hacker, J. S., & Kazee, N. (2008). Revisiting Lasswell. Policy Sciences, 41(1), 21-32.
  • Fischer, F., Miller, G. J., & Sidney, M. S. (2007). Handbook of public policy analysis : theory, politics, and methods. Methods, 125, 642
  • Fulton, B. (2004). Communication Researchers and Policy-Making. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 48(1), 151-154.
  • Hallsworth, M. (2011). Policymaking in the Real World. Political Insight, 2(1), 10-12.
  • Hasnain, A., Raza, S. H., & Qureshi, U. S. (2020). The Impact of Personal and Cultural Factors on Green Buying Intentions with Mediating Roles of Environmental Attitude and Eco- Labels as Well as Gender as a Moderator. South Asian Journal of Management, 14(1), 1-27.
  • Hayes, A. F., Montoya, A. K., & Rockwood, N. J. (2017). The analysis of mechanisms and their contingencies: PROCESS versus structural equation modeling. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 25(1), 76-81.
  • Howlett, M., Tan, S. L., Migone, A., Wellstead, A., & Evans, B. (2014). The distribution of analytical techniques in policy advisory systems: Policy formulation and the tools of policy appraisal. Public Policy and Administration, 29(4), 271-291.
  • John, P., & Cole, A. (2000). When Do Institutions, Policy Sectors, and Cities Matter?: Comparing Networks of Local Policy Makers in Britain and France. Comparative Political Studies, 33(2), 248-268.
  • Knill, C., & Bauer, M. W. (2016). Policymaking by international public administrations: concepts, causes and consequences. Journal of European Public Policy, 23(7), 949-959
  • Lamude, K. G., Scudder, J., Simmons, D., & Torres, P. (2004). Organizational Newcomers: Temporary and Regular Employees, Same-Sex and Mixed-Sex Superior-Subordinate Dyads, Supervisor Influence Techniques, Subordinates Communication Satisfaction, and Leader-Member Exchange. Communication Research Reports, 24(1), 60-67.
  • May, P. J., & Jochim, A. E. (2013). Policy regime perspectives: Policies, politics, and governing. Policy Studies Journal, 41(3), 426-452.
  • Mayer, I. S., van Daalen, C. E., & Bots, P. W. G. (2004). Perspectives on policy analysis: a framework for understanding and design. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 4(2), 169-191.
  • c, E. E. W., Patrick, S., & King, W. (1996). Job level as a systemic variable in predicting the relationship between supervisory communication and job satisfaction. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 69, 277-293.
  • Mytelka, L. K., & Smith, K. (2002). Policy learning and innovation theory: an interactive and co- evolving process. Research Policy, 31(8-9), 1467-1479.
  • Parsons, W. (2002). From Muddling Through to Muddling Up - Evidence Based Policy Making and the Modernisation of British Government. Public Policy and Administration, 17(3), 43-60.
  • Pelletier, D. L., Frongillo, E. A., Gervais, S., Hoey, L., Menon, P., Ngo, T., ... Ahmed, T. (2012). Nutrition agenda setting, policy formulation and implementation: Lessons from the Mainstreaming Nutrition Initiative. Health Policy and Planning, 27(1), 19-31.
  • Preacher, K. J., Rucker, D. D., & Hayes, A. F. (2007). Addressing moderated mediation hypotheses: Theory, methods, and prescriptions. Multivariate behavioral research, 42(1), 185-227.
  • Raudenbush, S. W., & Bryk, A. S. (2002). Hierarchical linear models: Applications and data analysis methods (Vol. 1). Sage.
  • Raza, S. H., Bakar, H. A., & Mohamad, B. (2019). The effects of advertising appeals on consumers' behavioural intention towards global brands. Journal of Islamic Marketing. Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 440-460.
  • c, S. H., Bakar, H. A., & Mohamad, B. (2018). Advertising appeals and Malaysian culture norms: Scale content validation. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 28(1), 61-82.
  • Remland, M. S. (1984). Leadership impressions and nonverbal communication in a superior- subordinate interaction. Communication Quarterly, 32(1), 41-48.
  • Steele, G. A., & Plenty, D. (2015). Supervisor-Subordinate Communication Competence and Job and Communication Satisfaction. Journal of Business Communication, 52(3), 294-318.
  • Stoker, G. (1998). Governance as theory: five propositions. International Social Science Journal,50(155), 17-28.
  • Strehlenert, H., Richter-Sundberg, L., Nyström, M. E., & Hasson, H. (2015). Evidence-informed policy formulation and implementation: a comparative case study of two national policies for improving health and social care in Sweden. Implementation Science, 10(1), 169.
  • Tambulasi, R. I. C. (2011). Local Government Without Governance: A New Institutional Perspective of Local Governance Policy Paralysis in Malawi. Public Policy and Administration, 26(3), 333-352.
  • Tanner, G., & Otto, K. (2016). Superior-subordinate communication during organizational change: under which conditions does high-quality communication become important?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(19), 2183-2201.
  • Tuu, H. H., Olsen, S. O., Thao, D. T., & Anh, N. T. K. (2008). The role of norms in explaining attitudes, intention and consumption of a common food (fish) in Vietnam. Appetite, 51(3), 546-551.
  • Wellstead, A. M., Stedman, R. C., & Howlett, M. (2011). Policy Analytical Capacity in Changing Dovernance Contexts: A Structural Equation Model (sem) Study of Contemporary Canadian Policy Work. Public Policy and Administration, 26(3), 353-373.

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    APA : Raza, S. H., Mahmood, T., & Iftikhar, M. (2020). Moderation of Superior-Subordinate Communication: Relationship between Policy-Making and Policy based Attitude towards Implementation. Global Mass Communication Review, V(I), 15-29.
    CHICAGO : Raza, Syed Hassan, Tahir Mahmood, and Moneeba Iftikhar. 2020. "Moderation of Superior-Subordinate Communication: Relationship between Policy-Making and Policy based Attitude towards Implementation." Global Mass Communication Review, V (I): 15-29 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-I).02
    HARVARD : RAZA, S. H., MAHMOOD, T. & IFTIKHAR, M. 2020. Moderation of Superior-Subordinate Communication: Relationship between Policy-Making and Policy based Attitude towards Implementation. Global Mass Communication Review, V, 15-29.
    MHRA : Raza, Syed Hassan, Tahir Mahmood, and Moneeba Iftikhar. 2020. "Moderation of Superior-Subordinate Communication: Relationship between Policy-Making and Policy based Attitude towards Implementation." Global Mass Communication Review, V: 15-29
    MLA : Raza, Syed Hassan, Tahir Mahmood, and Moneeba Iftikhar. "Moderation of Superior-Subordinate Communication: Relationship between Policy-Making and Policy based Attitude towards Implementation." Global Mass Communication Review, V.I (2020): 15-29 Print.
    OXFORD : Raza, Syed Hassan, Mahmood, Tahir, and Iftikhar, Moneeba (2020), "Moderation of Superior-Subordinate Communication: Relationship between Policy-Making and Policy based Attitude towards Implementation", Global Mass Communication Review, V (I), 15-29
    TURABIAN : Raza, Syed Hassan, Tahir Mahmood, and Moneeba Iftikhar. "Moderation of Superior-Subordinate Communication: Relationship between Policy-Making and Policy based Attitude towards Implementation." Global Mass Communication Review V, no. I (2020): 15-29.