- Ahmed, S., & Skoric, M. M. (2014). My name is Khan: the use of Twitter in the campaign for 2013 Pakistan General Election. In 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 2242-2251). IEEE.
- Ahn, H., & Park, J. H. (2015). The structural effects of sharing function on Twitter networks: Focusing on the retweet function. Journal of Information Science, 41(3), 354-365.
- Akin, J. (2005). Mass Media. February 9, 2017,
- Alajmi, M. A., Alharbi, A. H., & Ghuloum, H. F. (2016). Predicting the Use of Twitter in Developing Countries: Integrating Innovation Attributes, Uses and Gratifications, and Trust Approaches. Informing Science, 19.
- Ali, A. (2017). Impact of Raymond Davis Case, Abbottabad Operation & Salala Incident of Pak- US Relations (Editorial Treatment of daily Dawn & the News) (Doctoral dissertation).
- Anders Olof Larsson, H. M. (2011). Studying political microblogging: Twitter users in the 2010 Swedish election campaign. SAGE Journals
- ARY, N. (n.d.).
- Asur, S. (2011 ). Influence and Passivity in Social Media. SSRN Electronic Journal.
- Axel Bruns, B. A. (2011). The Use of Twitter Hashtags in the Formation of Ad Hoc Publics. ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation
- Bethany, A. C. S. C. (2017). Reassessing Twitter's AgendaBuilding Power: An Analysis of Intermedia Agenda-Setting Effects During the 2016 Presidential Primary Season. SAGE.
- Brems, C., Temmerman, M., Graham, T., & Broersma, M. (2017). Personal Branding on Twitter: How employed and freelance journalists stage themselves on social media. Digital Journalism, 5(4), 443-459
- Bruns, A. ( 2011). The use of Twitter hashtags in the formation of ad hoc publics: - publication - 279343210_The_Use_of_Twitter.
- Bruns, A., & Burgess, J. (2012). Researching news discussion on Twitter: New methodologies. Journalism Studies, 13(5-6), 801-814
- Chadwick, G. (2013). A systems view of planning: towards a theory of the urban and regional planning process. Elsevier.
- Christensen, C. (2011). Twitter revolutions? Addressing social media and dissent. The Communication Review, 14(3), 155-157
- Clement, J. (2019). Statista: users-in-selected-countries.
- Engesser, S., & Humprecht, E. (2015). Frequency or skillfulness: How professional news media use Twitter in five Western countries. Journalism studies, 16(4), 513-529.
- Farhi, P. (June 1, 2009 ). The Twitter explosion. American Journalism Review
- GEO, N. A. (n.d.).
- Happer, C. (2013). The Role of the Media in the Construction of Public Belief and Social Change. Journal of Social and Political Psychology , 331-336
- Hedman, U. (2013, March ). The social journalist: Embracing the social media life or creating a new digital divide? ResearchGate.
- Holt, K., Shehata, A., Strömbäck, J., & Ljungberg, E. (2013). Age and the effects of news media attention and social media use on political interest and participation: Do social media function as leveller? European journal of communication, 28(1), 19-34.
- Ju, A., Jeong, S. H., & Chyi, H. I. (2014). Will social media save newspapers? Examining the effectiveness of Facebook and Twitter as news platforms. Journalism Practice, 8(1), 1-17
- Khan, I. (n.d.).
- Kwak, H., Lee, C., Park, H., & Moon, S. (2010, April). What is Twitter, a social network or a news media? In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web (pp. 591-600).
- Lippmann, W. (1922). Public Opinion. New York: Macmillan.
- McCombs, M. E., & Shaw, D. L. (1972). The agenda-setting function of the mass media. Public Opinion Quarterly.
- McCombs, M. E., & Shaw, D. L. (1993).
- McDonald, R., & Danino, N. (2015). Social media in education and the community. In Creative Education, Teaching and Learning (pp. 61-72). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
- McQuail, D., & Windahl, S. (2015). Communication models for the study of mass communications. Routledge.
- Moon, S. J., & Hadley, P. (2014). Routinizing a new technology in the newsroom: Twitter as a news source in mainstream media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 58(2), 289- 305.
- Neuberger, C., & Nuernbergk, C. (2014). The Use of Twitter by Professional Journalists Results of a Newsroom Survey in Germany. ResearchGate.
- News, G. (n.d.). Geo News: accounts-in-Pakistan.
- Pande, S. (2011). Pakistan after Abbotabad. Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, 6(2), 165.
- Parmelee, J. H. (2013). The agenda-building function of political tweets. SAGE , 18.
- Rogstad, I. (2016). Is Twitter just rehashing? Intermedia agenda setting between Twitter and mainstream media. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 13(2), 142-158.
- Sharif, S. (n.d.).
- Shaw, M. A. (n.d.). University of twente. october 1, 2016,
- Strömbäck, J., & Shehata, A. (2010). Media malaise or a virtuous circle? Exploring the causal relationships between news media exposure, political news attention and political interest. European Journal of Political Research, 49(5), 575-597.
- Strömbäck, J., Djerf-Pierre, M., & Shehata, A. (2013). The dynamics of political interest and news media consumption: A longitudinal perspective. International journal of public opinion research, 25(4), 414-435.
- Upadhyay, A. (2019). Decimating Democracy in 140 Characters or Less: Pakistan Army's Subjugation of State Institutions through Twitter. Strategic Analysis, 43(2), 101-113.
- Wohn, D. Y. (March 2011). Tweeting about TV: Sharing television viewing experiences via social media message streams. ResearchGate.
- Zhao, W. X., Jiang, J., Weng, J., He, J., Lim, E. P., Yan, H., & Li, X. (2011, April). Comparing twitter and traditional media using topic models. In European conference on information retrieval (pp. 338-349). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Ahmed, S., & Skoric, M. M. (2014). My name is Khan: the use of Twitter in the campaign for 2013 Pakistan General Election. In 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 2242-2251). IEEE.
- Ahn, H., & Park, J. H. (2015). The structural effects of sharing function on Twitter networks: Focusing on the retweet function. Journal of Information Science, 41(3), 354-365.
- Akin, J. (2005). Mass Media. February 9, 2017,
- Alajmi, M. A., Alharbi, A. H., & Ghuloum, H. F. (2016). Predicting the Use of Twitter in Developing Countries: Integrating Innovation Attributes, Uses and Gratifications, and Trust Approaches. Informing Science, 19.
- Ali, A. (2017). Impact of Raymond Davis Case, Abbottabad Operation & Salala Incident of Pak- US Relations (Editorial Treatment of daily Dawn & the News) (Doctoral dissertation).
- Anders Olof Larsson, H. M. (2011). Studying political microblogging: Twitter users in the 2010 Swedish election campaign. SAGE Journals
- ARY, N. (n.d.).
- Asur, S. (2011 ). Influence and Passivity in Social Media. SSRN Electronic Journal.
- Axel Bruns, B. A. (2011). The Use of Twitter Hashtags in the Formation of Ad Hoc Publics. ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation
- Bethany, A. C. S. C. (2017). Reassessing Twitter's AgendaBuilding Power: An Analysis of Intermedia Agenda-Setting Effects During the 2016 Presidential Primary Season. SAGE.
- Brems, C., Temmerman, M., Graham, T., & Broersma, M. (2017). Personal Branding on Twitter: How employed and freelance journalists stage themselves on social media. Digital Journalism, 5(4), 443-459
- Bruns, A. ( 2011). The use of Twitter hashtags in the formation of ad hoc publics: - publication - 279343210_The_Use_of_Twitter.
- Bruns, A., & Burgess, J. (2012). Researching news discussion on Twitter: New methodologies. Journalism Studies, 13(5-6), 801-814
- Chadwick, G. (2013). A systems view of planning: towards a theory of the urban and regional planning process. Elsevier.
- Christensen, C. (2011). Twitter revolutions? Addressing social media and dissent. The Communication Review, 14(3), 155-157
- Clement, J. (2019). Statista: users-in-selected-countries.
- Engesser, S., & Humprecht, E. (2015). Frequency or skillfulness: How professional news media use Twitter in five Western countries. Journalism studies, 16(4), 513-529.
- Farhi, P. (June 1, 2009 ). The Twitter explosion. American Journalism Review
- GEO, N. A. (n.d.).
- Happer, C. (2013). The Role of the Media in the Construction of Public Belief and Social Change. Journal of Social and Political Psychology , 331-336
- Hedman, U. (2013, March ). The social journalist: Embracing the social media life or creating a new digital divide? ResearchGate.
- Holt, K., Shehata, A., Strömbäck, J., & Ljungberg, E. (2013). Age and the effects of news media attention and social media use on political interest and participation: Do social media function as leveller? European journal of communication, 28(1), 19-34.
- Ju, A., Jeong, S. H., & Chyi, H. I. (2014). Will social media save newspapers? Examining the effectiveness of Facebook and Twitter as news platforms. Journalism Practice, 8(1), 1-17
- Khan, I. (n.d.).
- Kwak, H., Lee, C., Park, H., & Moon, S. (2010, April). What is Twitter, a social network or a news media? In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web (pp. 591-600).
- Lippmann, W. (1922). Public Opinion. New York: Macmillan.
- McCombs, M. E., & Shaw, D. L. (1972). The agenda-setting function of the mass media. Public Opinion Quarterly.
- McCombs, M. E., & Shaw, D. L. (1993).
- McDonald, R., & Danino, N. (2015). Social media in education and the community. In Creative Education, Teaching and Learning (pp. 61-72). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
- McQuail, D., & Windahl, S. (2015). Communication models for the study of mass communications. Routledge.
- Moon, S. J., & Hadley, P. (2014). Routinizing a new technology in the newsroom: Twitter as a news source in mainstream media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 58(2), 289- 305.
- Neuberger, C., & Nuernbergk, C. (2014). The Use of Twitter by Professional Journalists Results of a Newsroom Survey in Germany. ResearchGate.
- News, G. (n.d.). Geo News: accounts-in-Pakistan.
- Pande, S. (2011). Pakistan after Abbotabad. Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, 6(2), 165.
- Parmelee, J. H. (2013). The agenda-building function of political tweets. SAGE , 18.
- Rogstad, I. (2016). Is Twitter just rehashing? Intermedia agenda setting between Twitter and mainstream media. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 13(2), 142-158.
- Sharif, S. (n.d.).
- Shaw, M. A. (n.d.). University of twente. october 1, 2016,
- Strömbäck, J., & Shehata, A. (2010). Media malaise or a virtuous circle? Exploring the causal relationships between news media exposure, political news attention and political interest. European Journal of Political Research, 49(5), 575-597.
- Strömbäck, J., Djerf-Pierre, M., & Shehata, A. (2013). The dynamics of political interest and news media consumption: A longitudinal perspective. International journal of public opinion research, 25(4), 414-435.
- Upadhyay, A. (2019). Decimating Democracy in 140 Characters or Less: Pakistan Army's Subjugation of State Institutions through Twitter. Strategic Analysis, 43(2), 101-113.
- Wohn, D. Y. (March 2011). Tweeting about TV: Sharing television viewing experiences via social media message streams. ResearchGate.
- Zhao, W. X., Jiang, J., Weng, J., He, J., Lim, E. P., Yan, H., & Li, X. (2011, April). Comparing twitter and traditional media using topic models. In European conference on information retrieval (pp. 338-349). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Cite this article
APA : Hussain, S., Shahzad, F., & Hussain, M. (2020). Agenda-Building Function of Twitter: Exploring Rehashing of Political Tweets in News Channels of Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, V(III), 109-123.
CHICAGO : Hussain, Shahid, Farrukh Shahzad, and Mazhar Hussain. 2020. "Agenda-Building Function of Twitter: Exploring Rehashing of Political Tweets in News Channels of Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, V (III): 109-123 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-III).09
HARVARD : HUSSAIN, S., SHAHZAD, F. & HUSSAIN, M. 2020. Agenda-Building Function of Twitter: Exploring Rehashing of Political Tweets in News Channels of Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, V, 109-123.
MHRA : Hussain, Shahid, Farrukh Shahzad, and Mazhar Hussain. 2020. "Agenda-Building Function of Twitter: Exploring Rehashing of Political Tweets in News Channels of Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, V: 109-123
MLA : Hussain, Shahid, Farrukh Shahzad, and Mazhar Hussain. "Agenda-Building Function of Twitter: Exploring Rehashing of Political Tweets in News Channels of Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, V.III (2020): 109-123 Print.
OXFORD : Hussain, Shahid, Shahzad, Farrukh, and Hussain, Mazhar (2020), "Agenda-Building Function of Twitter: Exploring Rehashing of Political Tweets in News Channels of Pakistan", Global Mass Communication Review, V (III), 109-123
TURABIAN : Hussain, Shahid, Farrukh Shahzad, and Mazhar Hussain. "Agenda-Building Function of Twitter: Exploring Rehashing of Political Tweets in News Channels of Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review V, no. III (2020): 109-123.