- Alejandro, J. (2010). Journalism in the age of social media. Reuters Institute Fellowship Paper, University of Oxford, 2009-2010.
- Ambrogi-Yanson, M. (2010). International news coverage online as presented by three news agencies. (Masters Unpublished dissertation), Rochester Institute of Technology, New York.
- Anatsui, T. C., & Adekanye, E. A. (2014). Comparative Analysis of Foreign and Local News Agencies: Public Relations Approach in Restoring the Image of the Local Media for National Development. Developing Country Studie, 4(10), 131-142.
- Armstrong, C. L., & Gao, F. (2010). Now tweet this how news organizations use twitter. Electronic News, 4(4), 218-235.
- Atabek, N. (1996). The International news agencies and the new world information order. March 2, 2018,
- Babones, S. (2005). The country-level income structure of the world-economy. Journal of World- Systems Research, 11(1), 29-55.
- Baum, M. A., & Zhukov, Y. M. (2019). Media ownership and news coverage of international conflict. Political Communication, 36(1), 36-63.
- Bielsa, E. (2008). The pivotal role of news agencies in the context of globalization: a historical approach. Global Networks, 8(3), 347-366.
- Blondheim, M., Segev, E., & Cabrera, M.-ÃÂ. (2015). The prominence of weak economies: Factors and trends in global news coverage of economic crisis, 2009-2012. International Journal of Communication, 9, 46-65.
- Boyd-Barrett, O. (2008). News agency majors: Ownership, control and influence reevaluated. Journal of Global Mass Communication, 1(1/2), 57-71.
- Bruns, A., & Stieglitz, S. (2012). Quantitative approaches to comparing communication patterns on Twitter. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 30(3-4), 160-185.
- Cha, M., Benevenuto, F., Haddadi, H., & Gummadi, K. (2012). The world of connections and information flow in twitter. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions on, 42(4), 991-998.
- Chang, T. K. (1998). All countries not created equal to be news: World system and international communication. Communication Research, 25(5), 528-563.
- Chase-Dunn, C., Kawano, Y., & Brewer, B. D. (2000). Trade globalization since 1795: Waves of integration in the world-system. American Sociological Review, 65(1), 77-95.
- Corduneanu-Huci, C., & Hamilton, A. (2018). Selective control: the political economy of censorship: The World Bank.
- Dergisi, K. (1996). The International News Ageneies and the New World Information Order. June 6, 2016,
- el-Ojeili, C. (2015). Reflections on Wallerstein: The Modern World-System, Four Decades on. Critical Sociology, 41(4-5), 679-700.
- Giffard, C. A., & Rivenburgh, N. K. (2000). News agencies, national images, and global media events. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 77(1), 8-21.
- Golan, G. J. (2008). Where in the world is Africa? Predicting coverage of Africa by US television networks. International Communication Gazette, 70(1), 41-57.
- Golan, G. J., & Himelboim, L. (2016). Can World System Theory predict news flow on twitter? The case of government-sponsored broadcasting. Information, Communication & Society, 19(8), 1150-1170.
- Griessner, C. (2012). News Agencies and Social Media: a relationship with a future? Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2012-2013.
- Gunaratne, S. A. (2001). Prospects and limitations of world system theory for media analysis: The case of the Middle East and North Africa. Gazette (Leiden, Netherlands), 63(2-3), 121-148.
- Guo, L., & Vargo, C. J. (2017). Global Intermedia Agenda Setting: A Big Data Analysis of International News Flow. Journal of Communication, 67(4), 499-520.
- Hanson, E. C. (1998). The media, foreign policymaking, and political conflict. Mershon International Studies Review, 42(1), 157-163.
- Jirik, J. (2013). The world according to (Thomson) Reuters. Sur le journalisme About journalism Sobre jornalismo, 2(1), pp. 24-41.
- Kick, E. L., McKinney, L. A., McDonald, S., & Jorgenson, A. (2011). A multiple-network analysis of the world system of nations, 1995-1999. In J. Scott & P. J. Carrington (Eds.), Sage handbook of social network analysis (pp. 311-327). London: Sage Publications Ltd.
- Koh, H. (2012). A Study on the International News Coverage in the US Media. (Masters Unpublished Dissertation), Michigan State University, USA.
- Kulshmanov, K., & Ishanova, A. (2014). News agencies in the era of globalization and new challenges of reality. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(19), 48-53.
- Letukas, L., & Barnshaw, J. (2008). A world-system approach to post-catastrophe international relief. Social forces, 87(2), 1063-1087.
- Lotan, G., Gaffney, D., & Meyer, C. (2011). Audience analysis of major news accounts on twitter. Social Flow, 3, 211.
- Lotan, G., Graeff, E., Ananny, M., Gaffney, D., & Pearce, I. (2011). The revolutions were tweeted: Information flows during the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions. International Journal of Communication, 5, 1375-1405.
- Louw, I. P. (2009). The international flow of news regarding the 2003 Irag War: a comparative analysis. (Masters Unpublished Dissertation), University of South Africa, South Africa.
- MacGregor, P. (2013). International news agencies: global eyes that never blink. In K. Fowler- Watt & S. Allan (Eds.), Journalism (pp. 35-63). Bournemouth University, UK: Centre for Journalism & Communication Research.
- Meadow, R. G. (2009). Political violence and the media. Marquette Law Review, 93(1), 231-240.
- Paterson, C. (2003). Prospects for a democratic information society: the news agency stranglehold on global political discourse. Paper presented at the Conference paper, presented to the EMTEL: New Media, Technology and Everyday Life in Europe Conference, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, April.
- Ray, A., & Dutta, A. (2014). Information Imbalance: A Case Study of Print Media in India. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(7), 1-5.
- Robinson, W. I. (2007). Theories of Globalization. April, 7, 2016, of Globalization.pdf
- Simon, W. (2011). Centre-Periphery Relationship In Understanding of Development of Internal Colonies. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment, 2(1), 147-156.
- Smith, D. A., & White, D. R. (1992). Structure and dynamics of the global economy: network analysis of international trade 1965-1980. Social forces, 70(4), 857-893.
- Sorinel, C. (2010). Immanuel Wallerstein's World System Theory. Annals of Faculty of Economics, 1(2), 220-224.
- Stover, W. A., & Anawalt, H. (1983). Who Makes News? An Inquiry into the Creation and Controls of International Communications. Peace Research, 15(1), 15-23.
- Taylor, P. M. (2003). Global communications, international affairs and the media since 1945. London: Routledge.
- Wallerstein, I. (1974). The modern world system. New York: Academic Press.
- Wallerstein, I. (2004). World-systems analysis: An introduction. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Wanta, W., & Mikusova, S. (2010). The agendasetting process in international news. Central European Journal of Communication, 3(2 (5)), 221-235.
- Wasko, J., Murdock, G., & Sousa, H. (2011). Introduction: the political economy of communications: core, concerns and issues. In J. Wasko, G. Murdock & H. Sousa (Eds.), The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications, (First ed., pp. 1-10). Oxford, London: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Westcott, N. (2008). Digital diplomacy: The impact of the internet on international relations. London: Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
- Willis, A., Fisher, A., & Lvov, I. (2015). Mapping networks of influence: Tracking Twitter conversations through time and space. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 12(1), 494-530.
- Wu, B., & Shen, H. (2015). Analyzing and predicting news popularity on Twitter. International Journal of Information Management, 35(6), 702-711.
- Wu, H. D. (2000). Systemic determinants of international news coverage: A comparison of 38 countries. Journal of Communication, 50(2), 110-130
- Wu, H. D., Groshek, J., & Elasmar, M. G. (2016). Which Countries Does the World Talk About? An Examination of Factors that Shape Country Presence on Twitter. International Journal of Communication, 10, 1860-1877.
- Wu, S., Hofman, J. M., Mason, W. A., & Watts, D. J. (2011). Who says what to whom on twitter. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 20th international conference on World wide web, Hyderabad, India.
- Yao, F., Chang, K. C. C., & Campbell, R. H. (2015). Ushio: Analyzing News Media and Public Trends in Twitter. IEEE/ACM 8th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 424-429.
- Alejandro, J. (2010). Journalism in the age of social media. Reuters Institute Fellowship Paper, University of Oxford, 2009-2010.
- Ambrogi-Yanson, M. (2010). International news coverage online as presented by three news agencies. (Masters Unpublished dissertation), Rochester Institute of Technology, New York.
- Anatsui, T. C., & Adekanye, E. A. (2014). Comparative Analysis of Foreign and Local News Agencies: Public Relations Approach in Restoring the Image of the Local Media for National Development. Developing Country Studie, 4(10), 131-142.
- Armstrong, C. L., & Gao, F. (2010). Now tweet this how news organizations use twitter. Electronic News, 4(4), 218-235.
- Atabek, N. (1996). The International news agencies and the new world information order. March 2, 2018,
- Babones, S. (2005). The country-level income structure of the world-economy. Journal of World- Systems Research, 11(1), 29-55.
- Baum, M. A., & Zhukov, Y. M. (2019). Media ownership and news coverage of international conflict. Political Communication, 36(1), 36-63.
- Bielsa, E. (2008). The pivotal role of news agencies in the context of globalization: a historical approach. Global Networks, 8(3), 347-366.
- Blondheim, M., Segev, E., & Cabrera, M.-ÃÂ. (2015). The prominence of weak economies: Factors and trends in global news coverage of economic crisis, 2009-2012. International Journal of Communication, 9, 46-65.
- Boyd-Barrett, O. (2008). News agency majors: Ownership, control and influence reevaluated. Journal of Global Mass Communication, 1(1/2), 57-71.
- Bruns, A., & Stieglitz, S. (2012). Quantitative approaches to comparing communication patterns on Twitter. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 30(3-4), 160-185.
- Cha, M., Benevenuto, F., Haddadi, H., & Gummadi, K. (2012). The world of connections and information flow in twitter. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions on, 42(4), 991-998.
- Chang, T. K. (1998). All countries not created equal to be news: World system and international communication. Communication Research, 25(5), 528-563.
- Chase-Dunn, C., Kawano, Y., & Brewer, B. D. (2000). Trade globalization since 1795: Waves of integration in the world-system. American Sociological Review, 65(1), 77-95.
- Corduneanu-Huci, C., & Hamilton, A. (2018). Selective control: the political economy of censorship: The World Bank.
- Dergisi, K. (1996). The International News Ageneies and the New World Information Order. June 6, 2016,
- el-Ojeili, C. (2015). Reflections on Wallerstein: The Modern World-System, Four Decades on. Critical Sociology, 41(4-5), 679-700.
- Giffard, C. A., & Rivenburgh, N. K. (2000). News agencies, national images, and global media events. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 77(1), 8-21.
- Golan, G. J. (2008). Where in the world is Africa? Predicting coverage of Africa by US television networks. International Communication Gazette, 70(1), 41-57.
- Golan, G. J., & Himelboim, L. (2016). Can World System Theory predict news flow on twitter? The case of government-sponsored broadcasting. Information, Communication & Society, 19(8), 1150-1170.
- Griessner, C. (2012). News Agencies and Social Media: a relationship with a future? Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2012-2013.
- Gunaratne, S. A. (2001). Prospects and limitations of world system theory for media analysis: The case of the Middle East and North Africa. Gazette (Leiden, Netherlands), 63(2-3), 121-148.
- Guo, L., & Vargo, C. J. (2017). Global Intermedia Agenda Setting: A Big Data Analysis of International News Flow. Journal of Communication, 67(4), 499-520.
- Hanson, E. C. (1998). The media, foreign policymaking, and political conflict. Mershon International Studies Review, 42(1), 157-163.
- Jirik, J. (2013). The world according to (Thomson) Reuters. Sur le journalisme About journalism Sobre jornalismo, 2(1), pp. 24-41.
- Kick, E. L., McKinney, L. A., McDonald, S., & Jorgenson, A. (2011). A multiple-network analysis of the world system of nations, 1995-1999. In J. Scott & P. J. Carrington (Eds.), Sage handbook of social network analysis (pp. 311-327). London: Sage Publications Ltd.
- Koh, H. (2012). A Study on the International News Coverage in the US Media. (Masters Unpublished Dissertation), Michigan State University, USA.
- Kulshmanov, K., & Ishanova, A. (2014). News agencies in the era of globalization and new challenges of reality. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(19), 48-53.
- Letukas, L., & Barnshaw, J. (2008). A world-system approach to post-catastrophe international relief. Social forces, 87(2), 1063-1087.
- Lotan, G., Gaffney, D., & Meyer, C. (2011). Audience analysis of major news accounts on twitter. Social Flow, 3, 211.
- Lotan, G., Graeff, E., Ananny, M., Gaffney, D., & Pearce, I. (2011). The revolutions were tweeted: Information flows during the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions. International Journal of Communication, 5, 1375-1405.
- Louw, I. P. (2009). The international flow of news regarding the 2003 Irag War: a comparative analysis. (Masters Unpublished Dissertation), University of South Africa, South Africa.
- MacGregor, P. (2013). International news agencies: global eyes that never blink. In K. Fowler- Watt & S. Allan (Eds.), Journalism (pp. 35-63). Bournemouth University, UK: Centre for Journalism & Communication Research.
- Meadow, R. G. (2009). Political violence and the media. Marquette Law Review, 93(1), 231-240.
- Paterson, C. (2003). Prospects for a democratic information society: the news agency stranglehold on global political discourse. Paper presented at the Conference paper, presented to the EMTEL: New Media, Technology and Everyday Life in Europe Conference, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, April.
- Ray, A., & Dutta, A. (2014). Information Imbalance: A Case Study of Print Media in India. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(7), 1-5.
- Robinson, W. I. (2007). Theories of Globalization. April, 7, 2016, of Globalization.pdf
- Simon, W. (2011). Centre-Periphery Relationship In Understanding of Development of Internal Colonies. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment, 2(1), 147-156.
- Smith, D. A., & White, D. R. (1992). Structure and dynamics of the global economy: network analysis of international trade 1965-1980. Social forces, 70(4), 857-893.
- Sorinel, C. (2010). Immanuel Wallerstein's World System Theory. Annals of Faculty of Economics, 1(2), 220-224.
- Stover, W. A., & Anawalt, H. (1983). Who Makes News? An Inquiry into the Creation and Controls of International Communications. Peace Research, 15(1), 15-23.
- Taylor, P. M. (2003). Global communications, international affairs and the media since 1945. London: Routledge.
- Wallerstein, I. (1974). The modern world system. New York: Academic Press.
- Wallerstein, I. (2004). World-systems analysis: An introduction. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Wanta, W., & Mikusova, S. (2010). The agendasetting process in international news. Central European Journal of Communication, 3(2 (5)), 221-235.
- Wasko, J., Murdock, G., & Sousa, H. (2011). Introduction: the political economy of communications: core, concerns and issues. In J. Wasko, G. Murdock & H. Sousa (Eds.), The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications, (First ed., pp. 1-10). Oxford, London: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Westcott, N. (2008). Digital diplomacy: The impact of the internet on international relations. London: Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
- Willis, A., Fisher, A., & Lvov, I. (2015). Mapping networks of influence: Tracking Twitter conversations through time and space. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 12(1), 494-530.
- Wu, B., & Shen, H. (2015). Analyzing and predicting news popularity on Twitter. International Journal of Information Management, 35(6), 702-711.
- Wu, H. D. (2000). Systemic determinants of international news coverage: A comparison of 38 countries. Journal of Communication, 50(2), 110-130
- Wu, H. D., Groshek, J., & Elasmar, M. G. (2016). Which Countries Does the World Talk About? An Examination of Factors that Shape Country Presence on Twitter. International Journal of Communication, 10, 1860-1877.
- Wu, S., Hofman, J. M., Mason, W. A., & Watts, D. J. (2011). Who says what to whom on twitter. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 20th international conference on World wide web, Hyderabad, India.
- Yao, F., Chang, K. C. C., & Campbell, R. H. (2015). Ushio: Analyzing News Media and Public Trends in Twitter. IEEE/ACM 8th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 424-429.
Cite this article
APA : Saeed, M. U., Shah, M. H., & Ahmad, R. W. (2021). Coverage of Political News in Tweets of International News Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of World-Systems Countries. Global Mass Communication Review, VI(I), 57-69.
CHICAGO : Saeed, Muhammad Usman, Mudassar Hussain Shah, and Raza Waqas Ahmad. 2021. "Coverage of Political News in Tweets of International News Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of World-Systems Countries." Global Mass Communication Review, VI (I): 57-69 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2021(VI-I).05
HARVARD : SAEED, M. U., SHAH, M. H. & AHMAD, R. W. 2021. Coverage of Political News in Tweets of International News Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of World-Systems Countries. Global Mass Communication Review, VI, 57-69.
MHRA : Saeed, Muhammad Usman, Mudassar Hussain Shah, and Raza Waqas Ahmad. 2021. "Coverage of Political News in Tweets of International News Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of World-Systems Countries." Global Mass Communication Review, VI: 57-69
MLA : Saeed, Muhammad Usman, Mudassar Hussain Shah, and Raza Waqas Ahmad. "Coverage of Political News in Tweets of International News Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of World-Systems Countries." Global Mass Communication Review, VI.I (2021): 57-69 Print.
OXFORD : Saeed, Muhammad Usman, Shah, Mudassar Hussain, and Ahmad, Raza Waqas (2021), "Coverage of Political News in Tweets of International News Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of World-Systems Countries", Global Mass Communication Review, VI (I), 57-69
TURABIAN : Saeed, Muhammad Usman, Mudassar Hussain Shah, and Raza Waqas Ahmad. "Coverage of Political News in Tweets of International News Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of World-Systems Countries." Global Mass Communication Review VI, no. I (2021): 57-69.