http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-III).06      10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-III).06      Published : Sep 2020
Authored by : Ifra Iftikhar , Irem Sultana , Rao Shahid Mahmood Khan

06 Pages : 73-83


  • An-Na‘im, A. A. (2008). Introduction: Why Muslims need a Secular State. In A. A. An-Na‘im, Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Shari'a (pp. 1-44). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • An-Na‘im, A. A. (2008). Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Sharia. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • Bakti, A. F. (2004, July). Nurcholish Madjid and the Paramadina Foundation. IIAS Newsletter.
  • Barton, G. (2007). Indonesia's Nurcholish Madjid and Abdurrahman Wahid as intellectual Ulama: The meeting of Islamic traditionalism and modernism in neo‐modernist thought. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 8(3), 323-350.
  • Bhargava, R. (1998).
  • Bhargava, R. (2007).
  • Bilgrami, A. (2011). Secularism: Its Content and Context. January 31, 2018, SSRC Digital Projects: https://tif.ssrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Secularism_Its_Content_and_ Context.pdf
  • Bretherton, L. (2020). Political Theology, Religious Diversity and the Nature of Democratic Citizenship, Political Theology, 21:4, 318-338, DOI: 10.1080/1462317X.2019.1678896.
  • Cooling, T. (2010). Doing God in Education. London: Theos.
  • Cooling, T. (2011). Is God Redundant in the Classroom? (Inaugural Lecture, 09 June, 2011). Canterbury, Ken: Canterbury Christ Church University.
  • Effendy, B. (2003). Islam and the State in Indonesia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
  • Esposito, J. L. (2000). Islam and Secularism in the Twenty-First Century. In A. Tamimi, & J. L. Esposito, Islam and Secularism in the Middle East. New York: New York University Press.
  • Esposito, J. L. (2011). Rethinking Islam and Secularism. 2 12, 2018, www.theARDA.com: http://www.thearda.com/rrh/papers/guidingpapers/Esposito.pdf
  • Esposito, J. L., & Mogahed, D. (2007). Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think. New York: Gallup Press.
  • Fiorina, M. P., Abrams, S., & Pope, J. (2010). Culture War? The Myth of a Polarized America. 3rd Edition. New York: Longman.
  • Gellner, E. (1992). Postmodernism, Reason and Religion. London : Routledge.
  • Ghannouchi, R. -a. (2000). Secularism in the Arab Maghreb. In A. T. (eds.), Islam and Secularism in the Middle East (pp. 97-124). New York: New York University Press.
  • Greenawalt, K. (2005). Does God Belong in Public Schools? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Haydon, G. (1994). Conceptions of the Secular in Society, Polity and Schools. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 28 (1), 65-75.
  • Knott, K., & Poole, E. (2014). Media Portrayal of Religion and the Secular Sacred. Routledge.
  • Kohut, A., Green, J. C., Keeter, S., & Toth., R. C. (2000). The Diminishing Divide: Religion's Changing Role in American Politics. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
  • Layman, G. (1997). Religion and Political Behavior in the United States: The Impact of Beliefs, Affiliations, and Commitment from 1980 to 1994. Public Opinion Quarterly, 61: 228-316
  • Layman, G. (2001). The Great Divide: Religious and Cultural Conflict in American Party Politics. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Madjid, N. (1987).
  • Monton, B. (2009). Seeking God in Science: An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design. Peterborough, ON, Canada: Broadview Press.
  • Qaradawi, Y. (1980). The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam. Indianapolis: IN: American Trust.
  • Rahim, L. Z. (2009, Huly). Governing Islam and Regulating Muslims in Singapore's Secular Authoritarian State.2 11, 2018, Asia Research Centre: https://www.murdoch.edu.au/ Research-capabilities/Asia-Research-Centre/_document/working-papers/wp156.pdf
  • Revell, L., & Walters, R. (2010). Christian Student RE Teachers, Objectivity and Professionalism. Canterbury Christ Church University, Faculty of Education: CLIENT.
  • Roncakova, T. (2012). mass Media Coverage of Religious Topics: Understanding Topoi in Religious and Media Arguments. In M. -S. VALČO, VALČO, Michal - SLIVKA, Daniel (eds.): Christian Churches in Post-Communist Slovakia: Current Challenges and Opportunities,2012. Salern : Center for Religion and Society, Roanoke College.
  • Şafak-AyvazoĞlu, A., KünüroĞlu, F., Vijver, F. V., & YaĞmur, K. (2020). Acculturation of Syrian refugees in the Netherlands: Religion as social identity andboundary marker. Journal of Refugee Studies, feaa020, https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/feaa020.
  • Samuel L. Perry, A. L. (2020). Prejudice and pandemic in the promised land: how white Christian nationalism shapes Americans' racist and xenophobic views of COVID-19. Ethnic and Racial Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1839114.
  • Sirry, M. (2007). Secularization in the Mind of Muslim Reformist: A Case Study of Nurcholish Madjid and Fouad Zakaria. Journal of Indonesian Islam, 1(2), 323-355.
  • Smidt, C. E., Kellstedt, L. A., & Guth, J. L. (2009). The Role of Religion in American Politics: Explanatory Theories and Associated Analytical and Measurement Issues. In L. A. Corwin Smidt, & e. James L. Guth, The Oxford Handbook of Religion ans American Politics (pp. 3-42). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Tamimi, A. (2000). Origins of Arab Secularism. In J. L. Azzam Tamimi, Islam and Secularism in the Middle East (pp. 13-28). London: C. Hurst & Co. Publishers.
  • Tamimi, A. (2000). The Origins of Arab Secularism. In J. L. Espasito, & A. Tamimi, Islam and Secularism in the Middle East (pp. 13-28). New York: New York University Press
  • Taylor, C. (2010). The Meaning of Secularism. The Hedgehog Review, 23-34.
  • Wright, S. A. (1997). Media Coverage of Unconventional Religion: Any
  • Zakaria, R. (1989). Is Islam Secular? Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University Press.
  • An-Na‘im, A. A. (2008). Introduction: Why Muslims need a Secular State. In A. A. An-Na‘im, Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Shari'a (pp. 1-44). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • An-Na‘im, A. A. (2008). Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Sharia. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • Bakti, A. F. (2004, July). Nurcholish Madjid and the Paramadina Foundation. IIAS Newsletter.
  • Barton, G. (2007). Indonesia's Nurcholish Madjid and Abdurrahman Wahid as intellectual Ulama: The meeting of Islamic traditionalism and modernism in neo‐modernist thought. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 8(3), 323-350.
  • Bhargava, R. (1998).
  • Bhargava, R. (2007).
  • Bilgrami, A. (2011). Secularism: Its Content and Context. January 31, 2018, SSRC Digital Projects: https://tif.ssrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Secularism_Its_Content_and_ Context.pdf
  • Bretherton, L. (2020). Political Theology, Religious Diversity and the Nature of Democratic Citizenship, Political Theology, 21:4, 318-338, DOI: 10.1080/1462317X.2019.1678896.
  • Cooling, T. (2010). Doing God in Education. London: Theos.
  • Cooling, T. (2011). Is God Redundant in the Classroom? (Inaugural Lecture, 09 June, 2011). Canterbury, Ken: Canterbury Christ Church University.
  • Effendy, B. (2003). Islam and the State in Indonesia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
  • Esposito, J. L. (2000). Islam and Secularism in the Twenty-First Century. In A. Tamimi, & J. L. Esposito, Islam and Secularism in the Middle East. New York: New York University Press.
  • Esposito, J. L. (2011). Rethinking Islam and Secularism. 2 12, 2018, www.theARDA.com: http://www.thearda.com/rrh/papers/guidingpapers/Esposito.pdf
  • Esposito, J. L., & Mogahed, D. (2007). Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think. New York: Gallup Press.
  • Fiorina, M. P., Abrams, S., & Pope, J. (2010). Culture War? The Myth of a Polarized America. 3rd Edition. New York: Longman.
  • Gellner, E. (1992). Postmodernism, Reason and Religion. London : Routledge.
  • Ghannouchi, R. -a. (2000). Secularism in the Arab Maghreb. In A. T. (eds.), Islam and Secularism in the Middle East (pp. 97-124). New York: New York University Press.
  • Greenawalt, K. (2005). Does God Belong in Public Schools? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Haydon, G. (1994). Conceptions of the Secular in Society, Polity and Schools. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 28 (1), 65-75.
  • Knott, K., & Poole, E. (2014). Media Portrayal of Religion and the Secular Sacred. Routledge.
  • Kohut, A., Green, J. C., Keeter, S., & Toth., R. C. (2000). The Diminishing Divide: Religion's Changing Role in American Politics. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
  • Layman, G. (1997). Religion and Political Behavior in the United States: The Impact of Beliefs, Affiliations, and Commitment from 1980 to 1994. Public Opinion Quarterly, 61: 228-316
  • Layman, G. (2001). The Great Divide: Religious and Cultural Conflict in American Party Politics. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Madjid, N. (1987).
  • Monton, B. (2009). Seeking God in Science: An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design. Peterborough, ON, Canada: Broadview Press.
  • Qaradawi, Y. (1980). The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam. Indianapolis: IN: American Trust.
  • Rahim, L. Z. (2009, Huly). Governing Islam and Regulating Muslims in Singapore's Secular Authoritarian State.2 11, 2018, Asia Research Centre: https://www.murdoch.edu.au/ Research-capabilities/Asia-Research-Centre/_document/working-papers/wp156.pdf
  • Revell, L., & Walters, R. (2010). Christian Student RE Teachers, Objectivity and Professionalism. Canterbury Christ Church University, Faculty of Education: CLIENT.
  • Roncakova, T. (2012). mass Media Coverage of Religious Topics: Understanding Topoi in Religious and Media Arguments. In M. -S. VALČO, VALČO, Michal - SLIVKA, Daniel (eds.): Christian Churches in Post-Communist Slovakia: Current Challenges and Opportunities,2012. Salern : Center for Religion and Society, Roanoke College.
  • Şafak-AyvazoĞlu, A., KünüroĞlu, F., Vijver, F. V., & YaĞmur, K. (2020). Acculturation of Syrian refugees in the Netherlands: Religion as social identity andboundary marker. Journal of Refugee Studies, feaa020, https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/feaa020.
  • Samuel L. Perry, A. L. (2020). Prejudice and pandemic in the promised land: how white Christian nationalism shapes Americans' racist and xenophobic views of COVID-19. Ethnic and Racial Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1839114.
  • Sirry, M. (2007). Secularization in the Mind of Muslim Reformist: A Case Study of Nurcholish Madjid and Fouad Zakaria. Journal of Indonesian Islam, 1(2), 323-355.
  • Smidt, C. E., Kellstedt, L. A., & Guth, J. L. (2009). The Role of Religion in American Politics: Explanatory Theories and Associated Analytical and Measurement Issues. In L. A. Corwin Smidt, & e. James L. Guth, The Oxford Handbook of Religion ans American Politics (pp. 3-42). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Tamimi, A. (2000). Origins of Arab Secularism. In J. L. Azzam Tamimi, Islam and Secularism in the Middle East (pp. 13-28). London: C. Hurst & Co. Publishers.
  • Tamimi, A. (2000). The Origins of Arab Secularism. In J. L. Espasito, & A. Tamimi, Islam and Secularism in the Middle East (pp. 13-28). New York: New York University Press
  • Taylor, C. (2010). The Meaning of Secularism. The Hedgehog Review, 23-34.
  • Wright, S. A. (1997). Media Coverage of Unconventional Religion: Any
  • Zakaria, R. (1989). Is Islam Secular? Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University Press.

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    CHICAGO : Iftikhar, Ifra, Irem Sultana, and Rao Shahid Mahmood Khan. 2020. "Exploring the Idea of Secularism among Media Students." Global Mass Communication Review, V (III): 73-83 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-III).06
    HARVARD : IFTIKHAR, I., SULTANA, I. & KHAN, R. S. M. 2020. Exploring the Idea of Secularism among Media Students. Global Mass Communication Review, V, 73-83.
    MHRA : Iftikhar, Ifra, Irem Sultana, and Rao Shahid Mahmood Khan. 2020. "Exploring the Idea of Secularism among Media Students." Global Mass Communication Review, V: 73-83
    MLA : Iftikhar, Ifra, Irem Sultana, and Rao Shahid Mahmood Khan. "Exploring the Idea of Secularism among Media Students." Global Mass Communication Review, V.III (2020): 73-83 Print.
    OXFORD : Iftikhar, Ifra, Sultana, Irem, and Khan, Rao Shahid Mahmood (2020), "Exploring the Idea of Secularism among Media Students", Global Mass Communication Review, V (III), 73-83
    TURABIAN : Iftikhar, Ifra, Irem Sultana, and Rao Shahid Mahmood Khan. "Exploring the Idea of Secularism among Media Students." Global Mass Communication Review V, no. III (2020): 73-83. https://doi.org/10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-III).06