ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN PROMOTING FEMINISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS      10.31703/gmcr.2021(VI-I).20      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : Muhammad Ahsan Bhatti , Chaudhary Husnain Yousaf , Aqsa Iram Shehzadi

20 Pages : 264-273


  • Angelyn. Basic Concepts : Sex And Gender, Masculinity And Femininity, Patriarchy
  • Bala, P. (2019). Feminism: an Overview. SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLH. 7. 8. 10.24113/ijellh.v7i12.10227.
  • Bisong. (2014). A critique of feminism. Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci, 5(2), 33-38.
  • Chowdhury, R., & Al Baset, Z. (2015). Men Doing Feminism in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 50(20), 29-32.
  • Crossley, A. D. (2015). Facebook feminism: Social media, blogs, and new technologies of contemporary US feminism. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 20(2), 253-268.
  • David et al. (2015). Equality, empowerment, and choice: What does feminism mean to contemporary women? Journal of Gender Studies. 10.1080/09589236.2015.1008429.
  • Harrison, K., & Boyd, T. (2003). Understanding political ideas and movements. Manchester University Press.
  • Hemphill et al, (2014, February). Feminism and social media research. In Proceedings of the companion publication of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing (pp. 319-322).
  • Jarrett, K. (2015). Feminism, labour and digital media: The digital housewife. Routledge.
  • imenez, C. M. (2016). An Exploration of Feminism Today in Relation to Social Media.
  • Kalpana. (2016). the Feminist Views: A Review. Feminist Research. 3-20. 10.21523/gcj2.16010101.
  • Paik, S. (2018). The rise of new Dalit women in Indian historiography. History Compass, 16(10), e12491.
  • Patel, V. A., & Khajuria, R. (2017). Political feminism in India: an analysis of actors, debates and strategies. Political Feminism in India An Analysis of Actors, Debates and Strategies.
  • Ranjan, Rajiva. (2019). UNDERSTANDING FEMINISM. 10.33329/ijelr.64.120.
  • Sarkar, S. (2014). Media and women image: A Feminist discourse. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 6(3), 48-58
  • Steiner, L. (2014). Feminist media theory. The Handbook of media and mass communication theory, 359-379.
  • Walsh. Feminism. New York: Sturgis and Walton Company, 1917. Book.
  • Zembat. (2017). An Analysis Of The Concept Of Feminist Theory And Historical Changing And Developments Of Feminism: The Changing Roles of Women's Movement in Balkans Since The 1980s. Matriculation Number: 21607780
  • Angelyn. Basic Concepts : Sex And Gender, Masculinity And Femininity, Patriarchy
  • Bala, P. (2019). Feminism: an Overview. SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLH. 7. 8. 10.24113/ijellh.v7i12.10227.
  • Bisong. (2014). A critique of feminism. Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci, 5(2), 33-38.
  • Chowdhury, R., & Al Baset, Z. (2015). Men Doing Feminism in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 50(20), 29-32.
  • Crossley, A. D. (2015). Facebook feminism: Social media, blogs, and new technologies of contemporary US feminism. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 20(2), 253-268.
  • David et al. (2015). Equality, empowerment, and choice: What does feminism mean to contemporary women? Journal of Gender Studies. 10.1080/09589236.2015.1008429.
  • Harrison, K., & Boyd, T. (2003). Understanding political ideas and movements. Manchester University Press.
  • Hemphill et al, (2014, February). Feminism and social media research. In Proceedings of the companion publication of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing (pp. 319-322).
  • Jarrett, K. (2015). Feminism, labour and digital media: The digital housewife. Routledge.
  • imenez, C. M. (2016). An Exploration of Feminism Today in Relation to Social Media.
  • Kalpana. (2016). the Feminist Views: A Review. Feminist Research. 3-20. 10.21523/gcj2.16010101.
  • Paik, S. (2018). The rise of new Dalit women in Indian historiography. History Compass, 16(10), e12491.
  • Patel, V. A., & Khajuria, R. (2017). Political feminism in India: an analysis of actors, debates and strategies. Political Feminism in India An Analysis of Actors, Debates and Strategies.
  • Ranjan, Rajiva. (2019). UNDERSTANDING FEMINISM. 10.33329/ijelr.64.120.
  • Sarkar, S. (2014). Media and women image: A Feminist discourse. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 6(3), 48-58
  • Steiner, L. (2014). Feminist media theory. The Handbook of media and mass communication theory, 359-379.
  • Walsh. Feminism. New York: Sturgis and Walton Company, 1917. Book.
  • Zembat. (2017). An Analysis Of The Concept Of Feminist Theory And Historical Changing And Developments Of Feminism: The Changing Roles of Women's Movement in Balkans Since The 1980s. Matriculation Number: 21607780

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    APA : Bhatti, M. A., Yousaf, C. H., & Shehzadi, A. I. (2021). Role of Social Media in Promoting Feministic Consciousness. Global Mass Communication Review, VI(I), 264-273.
    CHICAGO : Bhatti, Muhammad Ahsan, Chaudhary Husnain Yousaf, and Aqsa Iram Shehzadi. 2021. "Role of Social Media in Promoting Feministic Consciousness." Global Mass Communication Review, VI (I): 264-273 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2021(VI-I).20
    HARVARD : BHATTI, M. A., YOUSAF, C. H. & SHEHZADI, A. I. 2021. Role of Social Media in Promoting Feministic Consciousness. Global Mass Communication Review, VI, 264-273.
    MHRA : Bhatti, Muhammad Ahsan, Chaudhary Husnain Yousaf, and Aqsa Iram Shehzadi. 2021. "Role of Social Media in Promoting Feministic Consciousness." Global Mass Communication Review, VI: 264-273
    MLA : Bhatti, Muhammad Ahsan, Chaudhary Husnain Yousaf, and Aqsa Iram Shehzadi. "Role of Social Media in Promoting Feministic Consciousness." Global Mass Communication Review, VI.I (2021): 264-273 Print.
    OXFORD : Bhatti, Muhammad Ahsan, Yousaf, Chaudhary Husnain, and Shehzadi, Aqsa Iram (2021), "Role of Social Media in Promoting Feministic Consciousness", Global Mass Communication Review, VI (I), 264-273
    TURABIAN : Bhatti, Muhammad Ahsan, Chaudhary Husnain Yousaf, and Aqsa Iram Shehzadi. "Role of Social Media in Promoting Feministic Consciousness." Global Mass Communication Review VI, no. I (2021): 264-273.