Authored by : Nimra Rafiq , Namra Fazal , Mohsin Tajammul

03 Pages : 26-35


  • Abdulrahman, H. A., & Alkabbashi, B. I. (2019). Analyzing linguistic features of advertising language. Sudan University of sciences and technology. 456789/23931?show=full
  • Akinbode, O. (2012). A Sociolinguistic analysis of advertising language in selected Nigerian mass media commercials. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(8), 26-32.
  • Anant, S. (2014). Impact of attitude and beliefs on overall satisfaction towards hoarding advertisement. Pranjana. The journal of management awareness, 14(2), 75-83.
  • Bagha, K. N. (2011). A short introduction to semantics. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(6), 1411-1419.
  • Emodi, L. (2011). A Semantic Analysis of the Language of Advertising. African Research Review, 5(4), 316-326.
  • Leech, G. (1966). English in Advertising. London, Longman.
  • Leech, G. (1981). Semantics the study of meaning. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd.
  • Mehwish, N., Raza-e-Mustafa, Fakharh, M., & Bahram, K. (2015). The language of TV commercials' slogans: A Semantic Analysis. Communication and Linguistics Studies. 1(1), 7-12. doi: 10.11648/j.cls.20150101.12
  • Nnamdi-Eruchalu, G. I. (2015). An analysis of the linguistic features of billboard advertising in Nigeria. Journal of modern European languages and literatures, 4, 1-16.
  • Pathak, V. (2018). Sociolinguistic study of advertisement hoardings in Nagpur city. International journal of research in humanities, arts and literature, 6(4), 133- 144.
  • Piskaryeva, A. A. (2014). Yazyk nemetskoi reklamy v zerkale globalizatsionnykh protsessov. Moskva. 1(15), 107-113.
  • Prasad, B. N. (2017). Stylistic and linguistic features of English in advertisements. National Conference on Marketing and Sustainable Development.
  • Radikovna, L., Aidarovich, M., Vladimirovna, E., Venera, I. (2019). Functional Languages in the Context of Globalization: The Language of Advertising. Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, 10, 725-731. 25
  • Teodorescu, A. (2015). Linguistic patterns in advertising messages. Knowledge Horizons - Economics, 7(3), 115-118.
  • Yananingtyas, H. Z. (2018). Functional semantic analysis on Nivea's printed advertisements. (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim). http://etheses.uin-
  • Abdulrahman, H. A., & Alkabbashi, B. I. (2019). Analyzing linguistic features of advertising language. Sudan University of sciences and technology. 456789/23931?show=full
  • Akinbode, O. (2012). A Sociolinguistic analysis of advertising language in selected Nigerian mass media commercials. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(8), 26-32.
  • Anant, S. (2014). Impact of attitude and beliefs on overall satisfaction towards hoarding advertisement. Pranjana. The journal of management awareness, 14(2), 75-83.
  • Bagha, K. N. (2011). A short introduction to semantics. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(6), 1411-1419.
  • Emodi, L. (2011). A Semantic Analysis of the Language of Advertising. African Research Review, 5(4), 316-326.
  • Leech, G. (1966). English in Advertising. London, Longman.
  • Leech, G. (1981). Semantics the study of meaning. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd.
  • Mehwish, N., Raza-e-Mustafa, Fakharh, M., & Bahram, K. (2015). The language of TV commercials' slogans: A Semantic Analysis. Communication and Linguistics Studies. 1(1), 7-12. doi: 10.11648/j.cls.20150101.12
  • Nnamdi-Eruchalu, G. I. (2015). An analysis of the linguistic features of billboard advertising in Nigeria. Journal of modern European languages and literatures, 4, 1-16.
  • Pathak, V. (2018). Sociolinguistic study of advertisement hoardings in Nagpur city. International journal of research in humanities, arts and literature, 6(4), 133- 144.
  • Piskaryeva, A. A. (2014). Yazyk nemetskoi reklamy v zerkale globalizatsionnykh protsessov. Moskva. 1(15), 107-113.
  • Prasad, B. N. (2017). Stylistic and linguistic features of English in advertisements. National Conference on Marketing and Sustainable Development.
  • Radikovna, L., Aidarovich, M., Vladimirovna, E., Venera, I. (2019). Functional Languages in the Context of Globalization: The Language of Advertising. Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, 10, 725-731. 25
  • Teodorescu, A. (2015). Linguistic patterns in advertising messages. Knowledge Horizons - Economics, 7(3), 115-118.
  • Yananingtyas, H. Z. (2018). Functional semantic analysis on Nivea's printed advertisements. (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim). http://etheses.uin-

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    APA : Rafiq, N., Fazal, N., & Tajammul, M. (2021). Semantic Analysis of the Linguistic Features Used on Urdu Hoardings in Lahore. Global Mass Communication Review, VI(II), 26-35.
    CHICAGO : Rafiq, Nimra, Namra Fazal, and Mohsin Tajammul. 2021. "Semantic Analysis of the Linguistic Features Used on Urdu Hoardings in Lahore." Global Mass Communication Review, VI (II): 26-35 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2021(VI-II).03
    HARVARD : RAFIQ, N., FAZAL, N. & TAJAMMUL, M. 2021. Semantic Analysis of the Linguistic Features Used on Urdu Hoardings in Lahore. Global Mass Communication Review, VI, 26-35.
    MHRA : Rafiq, Nimra, Namra Fazal, and Mohsin Tajammul. 2021. "Semantic Analysis of the Linguistic Features Used on Urdu Hoardings in Lahore." Global Mass Communication Review, VI: 26-35
    MLA : Rafiq, Nimra, Namra Fazal, and Mohsin Tajammul. "Semantic Analysis of the Linguistic Features Used on Urdu Hoardings in Lahore." Global Mass Communication Review, VI.II (2021): 26-35 Print.
    OXFORD : Rafiq, Nimra, Fazal, Namra, and Tajammul, Mohsin (2021), "Semantic Analysis of the Linguistic Features Used on Urdu Hoardings in Lahore", Global Mass Communication Review, VI (II), 26-35
    TURABIAN : Rafiq, Nimra, Namra Fazal, and Mohsin Tajammul. "Semantic Analysis of the Linguistic Features Used on Urdu Hoardings in Lahore." Global Mass Communication Review VI, no. II (2021): 26-35.