- Ahern , L., Feller, J., & Nagle, T. (2016, June 16). Social media as a support for learning in universities: an empirical study of Facebook Groups. Journal of Decision Systems, 25(1), 35-49.
- Ahmad, A., Shaukat, B., & Saeed, M. (2016, July). A survey of social exclusion, media portrayal, and services for Christian minorities in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, 1(2), 15-24.
- Ali, S., & Jalaluddin. (2010, September). Portrayal of minorities in elite English press of Pakistan: A study of daily Dawn and the Nation. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences PJSS, 30(1), 141-156.
- Aqeel, A., & Gill, M. (2019). Shame and Stigma in Sanitation: competing faiths and compromised dignity,safety and employment security of sanitory workers in pakistan. lahore: Center for Law and Justice.
- Babbie, E. (2010). The Practice Of Social Research (12 ed.). (C. Calderia, Ed.) Belmont, California, USA: WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning.
- Batool, S. (2018). Representation of religious minorities in Pakistani and Indian print media: A comparative analysis. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 2(1), 247-258.
- Beal, V. (n.d). Webopedia: Online tech dictionary for students, educaters and IT professionals. May 27, 2020, from Webopedia: acebook_Group.html
- Brubaker, P. J., & Haigh, M. M. (2017). The religious Facebook experience: Uses and gratifications of faith based content. Social Media Society, 3(2), 1-11.
- Campbell, H. (2004, May). Challangs created by online networks. Journal of Media and Religion, 3(2), 81-99.
- Chahudhry, M. S. (1993). Human rights in Islam. Lahore: H. Y. Printers.
- Chaudhry, L. N. (2016). Structural violance and the lives of Pakistani Christians: A collaborative analysis. Community Psychology of in Global Perspective, 2(2), 97- 113.
- Conde, H. (1999). A handbook of international humanrights terminology. Lincoln: University of Nebrska Press.
- Dukes, K. N., & Gaither, S. E. (2017). Black racial stereotypes and victim blaming:Implications for media coverage and criminal proceedings in case of police violance against racial and ethnic minorities. Journal of Social Issues, 73(4), 789-807.
- Dyba, T., Moe, N. B., & Arisholm, E. (2005). conalization. International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (pp. 447- 457). Noosa Heads, Qld., Australia: IEEE.
- Eslami, Z. R., Jabbari, N., & Kuo, L.-J. (2015, July). Compliment responsive behaviour on Facebook: Astudy with Iranian Facebook users. International Review of Pragmatics, 244-277.
- Fuchs, M. M., & Fuchs, S. W. (2019, December 12). Religious minorities in Pakistan: Identities, citizenship and social belonging. South Asia. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 43(1), 52-67
- Gallion, A. J. (2010). Applying uses and gratigication theory to social networking sites.
- Ghanea, N. (2012, January 11). Are religious minorities really minorities? Oxford Journal of Law And Religion, 1(1), 57-79.
- Hamidullah, D. M. (1987). Muslim Conduct of State. Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan: Noor sons Publishers.
- Harding, C. (2008). Religious transformation in South Asia: The meanings of conversion in colonial Punjab. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jan, A., Rehman, A. U., Khattak, A. H., & Khan, I. U. (2019). Asssociation of religious activities and social interaction of Christian and Sikh minorities with Muslims in Pakistan. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization , 9(2), 233-252.
- Jan, D. F. (2016, June). Social Media and Cyber Jihad in Pakistan. Al-Idha, 34-47.
- Kakakhel, M. N. (1984). Status of Non- Muslims Minorities in Pakistan. Islamic Research Institute, 45-54.
- Kaur, S. P. (2013). Variables in research. Indian Journal of Research and Reports in Medical Sciences, 3(4), 36-38.
- Khalid, B., & Daudpoto, A. F. (2014). Minorities' stereotypes in Pakistani films. The European Conference on Film and Documentary.
- Khalid, I., & Rashid, M. (2019). A Socio Political Status of Minorities in Pakistan. Joural of Political Studies, 26(1), 59-70.
- Labaree, R. (2009). USC Libraries. Decembr 16, 2019, from ethodology
- Leirvik, O. (2008, March). Religion in school, interreligious relations and citizenship: The case of Pakistan. British Journal of Religious Education, 30(2), 143-154.
- Malik, I. H. (2002). Religious Minorities in Pakistan. London: Minority Rights Group International.
- Malik, N., Yousaf, H., Gillani, I., & Habib , N. (2012, November). AN assesment of parental knowldge,belief an attitude toward childhood immunization among minorities in rural areas of district Faisalabad, Palistan. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(11), 153-159.
- Martin, S. (n.d). Analytics Social Media. June 6, 2020, from Metricool: groups/
- Meishar-Tal, H., Kurtz, G., & Pietersa, E. (2012, October). Facebook groups as LMS: A case study. The International Review of Research in Open and Distant Learning, 13(4), 33-48.
- Miller, B. J., Mundey, P., & Hill, J. P. (2013, January 9). Faith in the age of Facebook: Exploring the links between religion and social network site membership and use. Sociology of Religion, 74(2), 227-253.
- Minority right group. (2018, June). World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - Pakistan : Christians. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from Refworld: e7.html
- Misra, A. (2015, May 26). Life in Brackets: Minority Christians and Hegemonic Violence in Pakistan. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 22(2), 157- 181.
- Mubeen, A., & Qusien, R. (2017, April). Minoritis in Pakistan: Role of Private TV Channels in Highlighting Minorities' Rights. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 7(2), 96-113. collins dictionary. (n.d). june 9, 2020, from onary/english/highlight-an-issue
- Neuman, W. L. (2002). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (fifth edition ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. ofcom Office of Communication. (2008). Social networking: A quantitative and qualitative report in to attitudes, behaviours and use. Ofcom.
- Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Collins, K. M. (2007, June 2). A Typology of Mixed Methods Sampling Designs in Social. The Qualitative Report, 12(2), 281-316.
- Perveen, N. ( 2012). Exploring economic situations of minorities in Pakistan : A case study of Christians in France Colony. Human Resource Development N etwork & Institute of Rural Management.
- Rahman, T. (2012, April). Pakistan's policies and practices towards religious minorities. South Asian History and Cultue, 3(2), 302-315.
- Raina, A. K. (2014). Minorities and Representation in a Plural Society: The Case of the Christians of Pakistan. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 37(4), 684-699.
- Sadiq, T. (2016). Working under the shadow of taboo and blasphemy: Coverage of minorities in Pakistani press under blasphemy law. Global Media Journal, 9(2).
- Shirky, C. (2008). The power of organizing without organizations- Here comes everybody. New York: Penguin Books.
- Shirky, C. (2011, February 13). The politicalpower of social media: Technology, the public sphere and political change. Politics From A New Perspective
- Smock, A. D., Ellison, N. B., Lampe, C., & Wohn, D. Y. (2011). Facebook as a toolkit: A uses and gratification approach to unbundling feature use. Computers in Human Behavior, 2322-2329.
- Tanta, I., Mihovilovic, M., & Sablic, Z. (2014). Uses and gratification theory-Why adolescents use Facebook. Media Research: Croation Journal for Journalism and the Media, 20(2), 85-110.
- Tsfati, Y. (n.d.). Hostile media perceptions, preseumed media influence, and minority alienation: The case of Arabs in Israel. Journal of Communication, 57, 63- 651.
- Valenzuela , S., Park, N., & Kee, K. F. (2009, July 1). Is There Social Capital in a Social Network Site?: Facebook Use and College Students' Life Satisfaction, Trust, and Participation. Journal of Computer- Mediated Communication,, 14(4), 875-901.
- Wimmer, R. D., & Dominick, J. R. (2011). Mass Media Research: An Introduction (9 ed.). (S. Sims, Ed.) Boston, USA: WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning.
- Yunus, A., Khan, N. R., & Ali, Z. (2012). Exploring the patterns of percieved discrimination among Hindu and Christian minorities regarding educational opputunities. International Journal of Asian Social Sciences, 2186-2194.
- Yunus, M. M., & Salehi, H. (2012). The effectiveness of Facebook groups on teaching and improving writing: Students' perception. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 6(1), 87-96.
- Zaigham, N. M. (2014). Advocating for inclusive electoral processes, for minority rights and for rule of law in Soth Asia: Report on issues faced by minorities in Pakistan. South Asians for Human Rights.
- Ahern , L., Feller, J., & Nagle, T. (2016, June 16). Social media as a support for learning in universities: an empirical study of Facebook Groups. Journal of Decision Systems, 25(1), 35-49.
- Ahmad, A., Shaukat, B., & Saeed, M. (2016, July). A survey of social exclusion, media portrayal, and services for Christian minorities in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, 1(2), 15-24.
- Ali, S., & Jalaluddin. (2010, September). Portrayal of minorities in elite English press of Pakistan: A study of daily Dawn and the Nation. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences PJSS, 30(1), 141-156.
- Aqeel, A., & Gill, M. (2019). Shame and Stigma in Sanitation: competing faiths and compromised dignity,safety and employment security of sanitory workers in pakistan. lahore: Center for Law and Justice.
- Babbie, E. (2010). The Practice Of Social Research (12 ed.). (C. Calderia, Ed.) Belmont, California, USA: WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning.
- Batool, S. (2018). Representation of religious minorities in Pakistani and Indian print media: A comparative analysis. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 2(1), 247-258.
- Beal, V. (n.d). Webopedia: Online tech dictionary for students, educaters and IT professionals. May 27, 2020, from Webopedia: acebook_Group.html
- Brubaker, P. J., & Haigh, M. M. (2017). The religious Facebook experience: Uses and gratifications of faith based content. Social Media Society, 3(2), 1-11.
- Campbell, H. (2004, May). Challangs created by online networks. Journal of Media and Religion, 3(2), 81-99.
- Chahudhry, M. S. (1993). Human rights in Islam. Lahore: H. Y. Printers.
- Chaudhry, L. N. (2016). Structural violance and the lives of Pakistani Christians: A collaborative analysis. Community Psychology of in Global Perspective, 2(2), 97- 113.
- Conde, H. (1999). A handbook of international humanrights terminology. Lincoln: University of Nebrska Press.
- Dukes, K. N., & Gaither, S. E. (2017). Black racial stereotypes and victim blaming:Implications for media coverage and criminal proceedings in case of police violance against racial and ethnic minorities. Journal of Social Issues, 73(4), 789-807.
- Dyba, T., Moe, N. B., & Arisholm, E. (2005). conalization. International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (pp. 447- 457). Noosa Heads, Qld., Australia: IEEE.
- Eslami, Z. R., Jabbari, N., & Kuo, L.-J. (2015, July). Compliment responsive behaviour on Facebook: Astudy with Iranian Facebook users. International Review of Pragmatics, 244-277.
- Fuchs, M. M., & Fuchs, S. W. (2019, December 12). Religious minorities in Pakistan: Identities, citizenship and social belonging. South Asia. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 43(1), 52-67
- Gallion, A. J. (2010). Applying uses and gratigication theory to social networking sites.
- Ghanea, N. (2012, January 11). Are religious minorities really minorities? Oxford Journal of Law And Religion, 1(1), 57-79.
- Hamidullah, D. M. (1987). Muslim Conduct of State. Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan: Noor sons Publishers.
- Harding, C. (2008). Religious transformation in South Asia: The meanings of conversion in colonial Punjab. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jan, A., Rehman, A. U., Khattak, A. H., & Khan, I. U. (2019). Asssociation of religious activities and social interaction of Christian and Sikh minorities with Muslims in Pakistan. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization , 9(2), 233-252.
- Jan, D. F. (2016, June). Social Media and Cyber Jihad in Pakistan. Al-Idha, 34-47.
- Kakakhel, M. N. (1984). Status of Non- Muslims Minorities in Pakistan. Islamic Research Institute, 45-54.
- Kaur, S. P. (2013). Variables in research. Indian Journal of Research and Reports in Medical Sciences, 3(4), 36-38.
- Khalid, B., & Daudpoto, A. F. (2014). Minorities' stereotypes in Pakistani films. The European Conference on Film and Documentary.
- Khalid, I., & Rashid, M. (2019). A Socio Political Status of Minorities in Pakistan. Joural of Political Studies, 26(1), 59-70.
- Labaree, R. (2009). USC Libraries. Decembr 16, 2019, from ethodology
- Leirvik, O. (2008, March). Religion in school, interreligious relations and citizenship: The case of Pakistan. British Journal of Religious Education, 30(2), 143-154.
- Malik, I. H. (2002). Religious Minorities in Pakistan. London: Minority Rights Group International.
- Malik, N., Yousaf, H., Gillani, I., & Habib , N. (2012, November). AN assesment of parental knowldge,belief an attitude toward childhood immunization among minorities in rural areas of district Faisalabad, Palistan. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(11), 153-159.
- Martin, S. (n.d). Analytics Social Media. June 6, 2020, from Metricool: groups/
- Meishar-Tal, H., Kurtz, G., & Pietersa, E. (2012, October). Facebook groups as LMS: A case study. The International Review of Research in Open and Distant Learning, 13(4), 33-48.
- Miller, B. J., Mundey, P., & Hill, J. P. (2013, January 9). Faith in the age of Facebook: Exploring the links between religion and social network site membership and use. Sociology of Religion, 74(2), 227-253.
- Minority right group. (2018, June). World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - Pakistan : Christians. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from Refworld: e7.html
- Misra, A. (2015, May 26). Life in Brackets: Minority Christians and Hegemonic Violence in Pakistan. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 22(2), 157- 181.
- Mubeen, A., & Qusien, R. (2017, April). Minoritis in Pakistan: Role of Private TV Channels in Highlighting Minorities' Rights. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 7(2), 96-113. collins dictionary. (n.d). june 9, 2020, from onary/english/highlight-an-issue
- Neuman, W. L. (2002). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (fifth edition ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. ofcom Office of Communication. (2008). Social networking: A quantitative and qualitative report in to attitudes, behaviours and use. Ofcom.
- Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Collins, K. M. (2007, June 2). A Typology of Mixed Methods Sampling Designs in Social. The Qualitative Report, 12(2), 281-316.
- Perveen, N. ( 2012). Exploring economic situations of minorities in Pakistan : A case study of Christians in France Colony. Human Resource Development N etwork & Institute of Rural Management.
- Rahman, T. (2012, April). Pakistan's policies and practices towards religious minorities. South Asian History and Cultue, 3(2), 302-315.
- Raina, A. K. (2014). Minorities and Representation in a Plural Society: The Case of the Christians of Pakistan. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 37(4), 684-699.
- Sadiq, T. (2016). Working under the shadow of taboo and blasphemy: Coverage of minorities in Pakistani press under blasphemy law. Global Media Journal, 9(2).
- Shirky, C. (2008). The power of organizing without organizations- Here comes everybody. New York: Penguin Books.
- Shirky, C. (2011, February 13). The politicalpower of social media: Technology, the public sphere and political change. Politics From A New Perspective
- Smock, A. D., Ellison, N. B., Lampe, C., & Wohn, D. Y. (2011). Facebook as a toolkit: A uses and gratification approach to unbundling feature use. Computers in Human Behavior, 2322-2329.
- Tanta, I., Mihovilovic, M., & Sablic, Z. (2014). Uses and gratification theory-Why adolescents use Facebook. Media Research: Croation Journal for Journalism and the Media, 20(2), 85-110.
- Tsfati, Y. (n.d.). Hostile media perceptions, preseumed media influence, and minority alienation: The case of Arabs in Israel. Journal of Communication, 57, 63- 651.
- Valenzuela , S., Park, N., & Kee, K. F. (2009, July 1). Is There Social Capital in a Social Network Site?: Facebook Use and College Students' Life Satisfaction, Trust, and Participation. Journal of Computer- Mediated Communication,, 14(4), 875-901.
- Wimmer, R. D., & Dominick, J. R. (2011). Mass Media Research: An Introduction (9 ed.). (S. Sims, Ed.) Boston, USA: WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning.
- Yunus, A., Khan, N. R., & Ali, Z. (2012). Exploring the patterns of percieved discrimination among Hindu and Christian minorities regarding educational opputunities. International Journal of Asian Social Sciences, 2186-2194.
- Yunus, M. M., & Salehi, H. (2012). The effectiveness of Facebook groups on teaching and improving writing: Students' perception. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 6(1), 87-96.
- Zaigham, N. M. (2014). Advocating for inclusive electoral processes, for minority rights and for rule of law in Soth Asia: Report on issues faced by minorities in Pakistan. South Asians for Human Rights.
Cite this article
APA : Batool, S., Sultana, S., & Tariq, S. (2021). Social Media and Religious Minorities: Analyzing the Usage of Facebook Groups among Christian Minority to Highlight their Issues in Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, VI(I), 117-132.
CHICAGO : Batool, Sumera, Saba Sultana, and Sana Tariq. 2021. "Social Media and Religious Minorities: Analyzing the Usage of Facebook Groups among Christian Minority to Highlight their Issues in Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, VI (I): 117-132 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2021(VI-I).10
HARVARD : BATOOL, S., SULTANA, S. & TARIQ, S. 2021. Social Media and Religious Minorities: Analyzing the Usage of Facebook Groups among Christian Minority to Highlight their Issues in Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, VI, 117-132.
MHRA : Batool, Sumera, Saba Sultana, and Sana Tariq. 2021. "Social Media and Religious Minorities: Analyzing the Usage of Facebook Groups among Christian Minority to Highlight their Issues in Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, VI: 117-132
MLA : Batool, Sumera, Saba Sultana, and Sana Tariq. "Social Media and Religious Minorities: Analyzing the Usage of Facebook Groups among Christian Minority to Highlight their Issues in Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, VI.I (2021): 117-132 Print.
OXFORD : Batool, Sumera, Sultana, Saba, and Tariq, Sana (2021), "Social Media and Religious Minorities: Analyzing the Usage of Facebook Groups among Christian Minority to Highlight their Issues in Pakistan", Global Mass Communication Review, VI (I), 117-132
TURABIAN : Batool, Sumera, Saba Sultana, and Sana Tariq. "Social Media and Religious Minorities: Analyzing the Usage of Facebook Groups among Christian Minority to Highlight their Issues in Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review VI, no. I (2021): 117-132.