- Akhtar, D. M. I. (2016). Research Design. Available at SSRN 2862445.
- Asim, M., & Nawaz, Y. (2018). Child malnutrition in Pakistan: evidence from literature. Children, 5(5), 60.
- Cooper, C. P., Gelb, C. A., & Chu, J. (2015). Life cycle of television public service announcements disseminated through donated airtime. Preventive medicine reports, 2, 202-205.
- Erickson, J. (2018). Public Service Announcements to Promote Physical Activity.
- Esarey, A., Stockmann, D., & Zhang, J. (2017). Support for Propaganda: Chinese perceptions of public service advertising. Journal of Contemporary China, 26(103), 101-117.
- Feng, W. (2016). Public Service Announcements in Hong Kong:A Multimodal Discourse Analysis Approach.
- Georgiadis, M. (2013). Motivating Behaviour Change: A Content Analysis ofPublic Service Announcements from the
- Gharibi, S., danesh, d. S. Y. S., & shahrodi, d. K. (2012). Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business.
- Ghazali, N. H. M. (2016). A Reliability and Validity of an Instrument to Evaluate the School- Based Assessment System: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 5(2), 148-157.
- Rotfeld, H. J. (2002)
- Horbal, N., Naychuk-Khrushch, M., & Orlykova, B. (2017). Internet advertising: the specifics, tendencies of development and impact on sales. ECONTECHMOD: An International Quarterly Journal on Economics of Technology and Modelling Processes, 6(1), 37-46.
- Ilyas. F. (2019, may 1st).
- Ä°nci, B., Sancar, O., & Bostanci, S. H. (2017). Usage of health-themed public service announcements as a social marketing communication tool: A content analysis related to public service announcements in the republic of Turkey, ministry of health's web site. Marketing and Branding Research, 4(2), 148.
- Jefferson, R., McKinley, E., Capstick, S., Fletcher, S., Griffin, H., & Milanese, M. (2015). Understanding audiences: making public perceptions research matter to marine conservation. Ocean & Coastal Management, 115, 61-70.
- Jess, K. A. (2000). Public service announcements for broadcast television: a guide for non-profit agencies.
- Joyce, N., & Harwood, J. (2014). Context and identification in persuasive mass communication. Journal of Media Psychology.
- Junaidi, I. (2019, September 5).
- Kumar, D. P., & Raju, K. V. (2013). The role of advertising in consumer decision making. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 14(4), 37-45.
- Lin, C. Y., & Yeh, W. J. (2017). How Does Health-Related Advertising with a Regulatory Focus and Goal Framing Affect Attitudes toward Ads and Healthy Behaviour Intentions? International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(12), 1507.
- Martiniuk, A. L., Secco, M., Yake, L., & Speechley, K. N. (2010). Evaluating the effect of a television public service announcement about epilepsy. Health education research, 25(6), 1050-1060.
- Mendelsohn, 1973.Bator, R., & Cialdini, R. (2000). The application of persuasion theory to the development of effective proenvironmental public service announcements. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 527-542.
- Miller, E. (2016). The effectiveness of anti-alcohol PSAs in Reducing Drunk-Driving Fatalities: 1995-2010.
- Mohla, K. (2016). Tv Channels must ensure ten percent time for public service messages. Business recorder.
- Nan, X. (2008). The Influence of Liking for a Public Service Announcement on Issue Attitude. Communication Research - COMMUN RES. 35.503-528. 10.1177/0093650208316053.
- Nichifor, B. (2014). Theoretical framework of advertising-some insights. Studies and Scientific Researches. Economics Edition, (19).
- Phua, J., & Tinkham, S. (2016). Authenticity in obesity public service announcements: Influence of spokesperson type, viewer weight, and source credibility on diet, exercise, information seeking, and electronic word-of-mouth intentions. Journal of health communication, 21(3), 337-345.
- Pirkis, J., Rossetto, A., Nicholas, A., Ftanou, M., Robinson, J., & Reavley, N. (2017). Suicide prevention media campaigns: a systematic literature review. Health communication, 1- 13.
- Pop, D. (2013). The Treasure of Public Sector Information.
- Robert, B., & Robert, C. (2000). The application of persuasion theory to the development of effective pro environmental public service announcements. Journal of social issues, 56(3), 527-542.
- Rydell, R. J., Sherman, S. J., Boucher, K. L., & Macy, J. T. (2012). The role of motivational and persuasive message factors in changing implicit attitudes toward smoking. Basic and applied social psychology, 34(1), 1-7.
- Singh, K. P., & Singh, A. (2017). public service advertising in India: an evaluation through literatureÇÂ, international journal of marketing & financial management, ISSN: 2349 - 2546, volume 5, (issue 3, Mar-2017), pp 53-64.
- Suresh. K., & Srinivasan, M. I. (Eds.). (2008). Public Service Advertising: Some Issues and Campaigns. Icfai University Press.
- Ti, L., Fast, D., Small, W., & Kerr, T. (2017). Perceptions of a drug prevention public service announcement campaign among street-involved youth in Vancouver, Canada: a qualitative study. Harm reduction journal, 14(1), 3.
- Tikhomirova, L. S., Danilevskaya, N. V., Bazhenova, E. A., Kyrkunova, L. G., & Ovsyannikova, S. E. (2015). Role of the Structure of Public Service Advertising Text in Influencing its Recipient. The Social Sciences, 10(6), 1371-1374.
- Van Stee, S. K., Noar, S. M., Allard, S., Zimmerman, R., Palmgreen, P., & McClanahan, K. (2012). Reactions to safer-sex public service announcement message features: attention, perceptions of realism, and cognitive responses. Qualitative health research, 22(11), 1568- 1579.
- Wang, A. (2008). Effects of Race and ethnic identity on audience evaluation of HIV Public Service Announcement page 44-63.
- Yoon, H. J. (2015). Emotional and cognitive responses to nonhumorous and humorous threat persuasion public service advertisements. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 36(1), 52-69.
- Zohrabi, M. (2013). Mixed Method Research: Instruments, Validity, Reliability and Reporting Findings. Theory & practice in language studies, 3(2).
- Akhtar, D. M. I. (2016). Research Design. Available at SSRN 2862445.
- Asim, M., & Nawaz, Y. (2018). Child malnutrition in Pakistan: evidence from literature. Children, 5(5), 60.
- Cooper, C. P., Gelb, C. A., & Chu, J. (2015). Life cycle of television public service announcements disseminated through donated airtime. Preventive medicine reports, 2, 202-205.
- Erickson, J. (2018). Public Service Announcements to Promote Physical Activity.
- Esarey, A., Stockmann, D., & Zhang, J. (2017). Support for Propaganda: Chinese perceptions of public service advertising. Journal of Contemporary China, 26(103), 101-117.
- Feng, W. (2016). Public Service Announcements in Hong Kong:A Multimodal Discourse Analysis Approach.
- Georgiadis, M. (2013). Motivating Behaviour Change: A Content Analysis ofPublic Service Announcements from the
- Gharibi, S., danesh, d. S. Y. S., & shahrodi, d. K. (2012). Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business.
- Ghazali, N. H. M. (2016). A Reliability and Validity of an Instrument to Evaluate the School- Based Assessment System: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 5(2), 148-157.
- Rotfeld, H. J. (2002)
- Horbal, N., Naychuk-Khrushch, M., & Orlykova, B. (2017). Internet advertising: the specifics, tendencies of development and impact on sales. ECONTECHMOD: An International Quarterly Journal on Economics of Technology and Modelling Processes, 6(1), 37-46.
- Ilyas. F. (2019, may 1st).
- Ä°nci, B., Sancar, O., & Bostanci, S. H. (2017). Usage of health-themed public service announcements as a social marketing communication tool: A content analysis related to public service announcements in the republic of Turkey, ministry of health's web site. Marketing and Branding Research, 4(2), 148.
- Jefferson, R., McKinley, E., Capstick, S., Fletcher, S., Griffin, H., & Milanese, M. (2015). Understanding audiences: making public perceptions research matter to marine conservation. Ocean & Coastal Management, 115, 61-70.
- Jess, K. A. (2000). Public service announcements for broadcast television: a guide for non-profit agencies.
- Joyce, N., & Harwood, J. (2014). Context and identification in persuasive mass communication. Journal of Media Psychology.
- Junaidi, I. (2019, September 5).
- Kumar, D. P., & Raju, K. V. (2013). The role of advertising in consumer decision making. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 14(4), 37-45.
- Lin, C. Y., & Yeh, W. J. (2017). How Does Health-Related Advertising with a Regulatory Focus and Goal Framing Affect Attitudes toward Ads and Healthy Behaviour Intentions? International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(12), 1507.
- Martiniuk, A. L., Secco, M., Yake, L., & Speechley, K. N. (2010). Evaluating the effect of a television public service announcement about epilepsy. Health education research, 25(6), 1050-1060.
- Mendelsohn, 1973.Bator, R., & Cialdini, R. (2000). The application of persuasion theory to the development of effective proenvironmental public service announcements. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 527-542.
- Miller, E. (2016). The effectiveness of anti-alcohol PSAs in Reducing Drunk-Driving Fatalities: 1995-2010.
- Mohla, K. (2016). Tv Channels must ensure ten percent time for public service messages. Business recorder.
- Nan, X. (2008). The Influence of Liking for a Public Service Announcement on Issue Attitude. Communication Research - COMMUN RES. 35.503-528. 10.1177/0093650208316053.
- Nichifor, B. (2014). Theoretical framework of advertising-some insights. Studies and Scientific Researches. Economics Edition, (19).
- Phua, J., & Tinkham, S. (2016). Authenticity in obesity public service announcements: Influence of spokesperson type, viewer weight, and source credibility on diet, exercise, information seeking, and electronic word-of-mouth intentions. Journal of health communication, 21(3), 337-345.
- Pirkis, J., Rossetto, A., Nicholas, A., Ftanou, M., Robinson, J., & Reavley, N. (2017). Suicide prevention media campaigns: a systematic literature review. Health communication, 1- 13.
- Pop, D. (2013). The Treasure of Public Sector Information.
- Robert, B., & Robert, C. (2000). The application of persuasion theory to the development of effective pro environmental public service announcements. Journal of social issues, 56(3), 527-542.
- Rydell, R. J., Sherman, S. J., Boucher, K. L., & Macy, J. T. (2012). The role of motivational and persuasive message factors in changing implicit attitudes toward smoking. Basic and applied social psychology, 34(1), 1-7.
- Singh, K. P., & Singh, A. (2017). public service advertising in India: an evaluation through literatureÇÂ, international journal of marketing & financial management, ISSN: 2349 - 2546, volume 5, (issue 3, Mar-2017), pp 53-64.
- Suresh. K., & Srinivasan, M. I. (Eds.). (2008). Public Service Advertising: Some Issues and Campaigns. Icfai University Press.
- Ti, L., Fast, D., Small, W., & Kerr, T. (2017). Perceptions of a drug prevention public service announcement campaign among street-involved youth in Vancouver, Canada: a qualitative study. Harm reduction journal, 14(1), 3.
- Tikhomirova, L. S., Danilevskaya, N. V., Bazhenova, E. A., Kyrkunova, L. G., & Ovsyannikova, S. E. (2015). Role of the Structure of Public Service Advertising Text in Influencing its Recipient. The Social Sciences, 10(6), 1371-1374.
- Van Stee, S. K., Noar, S. M., Allard, S., Zimmerman, R., Palmgreen, P., & McClanahan, K. (2012). Reactions to safer-sex public service announcement message features: attention, perceptions of realism, and cognitive responses. Qualitative health research, 22(11), 1568- 1579.
- Wang, A. (2008). Effects of Race and ethnic identity on audience evaluation of HIV Public Service Announcement page 44-63.
- Yoon, H. J. (2015). Emotional and cognitive responses to nonhumorous and humorous threat persuasion public service advertisements. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 36(1), 52-69.
- Zohrabi, M. (2013). Mixed Method Research: Instruments, Validity, Reliability and Reporting Findings. Theory & practice in language studies, 3(2).
Cite this article
APA : Khan, Q., Rahman, S. I. U., & Nudrat, A. (2020). Strategies and Persuasive Appeals in the Public Service Messages about Health Issues on Pakistani Television Channels. Global Mass Communication Review, V(III), 54-72.
CHICAGO : Khan, Qaisar, Syed Inam Ur Rahman, and Amna Nudrat. 2020. "Strategies and Persuasive Appeals in the Public Service Messages about Health Issues on Pakistani Television Channels." Global Mass Communication Review, V (III): 54-72 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-III).05
HARVARD : KHAN, Q., RAHMAN, S. I. U. & NUDRAT, A. 2020. Strategies and Persuasive Appeals in the Public Service Messages about Health Issues on Pakistani Television Channels. Global Mass Communication Review, V, 54-72.
MHRA : Khan, Qaisar, Syed Inam Ur Rahman, and Amna Nudrat. 2020. "Strategies and Persuasive Appeals in the Public Service Messages about Health Issues on Pakistani Television Channels." Global Mass Communication Review, V: 54-72
MLA : Khan, Qaisar, Syed Inam Ur Rahman, and Amna Nudrat. "Strategies and Persuasive Appeals in the Public Service Messages about Health Issues on Pakistani Television Channels." Global Mass Communication Review, V.III (2020): 54-72 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Qaisar, Rahman, Syed Inam Ur, and Nudrat, Amna (2020), "Strategies and Persuasive Appeals in the Public Service Messages about Health Issues on Pakistani Television Channels", Global Mass Communication Review, V (III), 54-72
TURABIAN : Khan, Qaisar, Syed Inam Ur Rahman, and Amna Nudrat. "Strategies and Persuasive Appeals in the Public Service Messages about Health Issues on Pakistani Television Channels." Global Mass Communication Review V, no. III (2020): 54-72.