03 Pages : 34-45      10.31703/gmcr.2018(III-I).03      Published : Dec 2018

Dramas and their perception: A Social Awareness of Drama's Structures and their Representation

    This research is designed to explore the impact of Pakistani dramas of the private channel on Pakistani women. To witness various effects caused by dramas, detailed research is carried out. To gather and document the perceptions of the female viewers of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, a detailed questionnaire was prepared. Through a sample of 300 respondents, data was collected from people of different age groups, educational background and occupational groups. The perceptions of viewers about the various content in dramas showed that private channels provide a lot of content for entertainment, education, comedy, information, serious, horror, emotional and musical content. Overall, it was observed that Geo TV dramas provide the content mentioned more frequently than Hum TV and ARY Digital. The study concludes that there are significant changes taking place in all the mentioned domains. The degree to which private channels display different lifestyles was another important variable of the study that has been discussed for so long, but it was observed from the finding that dramas of private channels promote multiple lifestyles (Western and Indian) on an equal basis.

    Impact, Pvt Channels, Drama, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lifestyles
    (1) Salman Amin
    Lecturer, Department of Arts and Media, Foundation University Islamabad, Rawalpindi Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Saadia Fatima
    PhD Scholar, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Sajjad Ali
    Lecturer, Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Swat, KP, Pakistan.
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    APA : Amin, S., Fatima, S., & Ali, S. (2018). Dramas and their perception: A Social Awareness of Drama's Structures and their Representation. Global Mass Communication Review, III(I), 34-45.
    CHICAGO : Amin, Salman, Saadia Fatima, and Sajjad Ali. 2018. "Dramas and their perception: A Social Awareness of Drama's Structures and their Representation." Global Mass Communication Review, III (I): 34-45 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2018(III-I).03
    HARVARD : AMIN, S., FATIMA, S. & ALI, S. 2018. Dramas and their perception: A Social Awareness of Drama's Structures and their Representation. Global Mass Communication Review, III, 34-45.
    MHRA : Amin, Salman, Saadia Fatima, and Sajjad Ali. 2018. "Dramas and their perception: A Social Awareness of Drama's Structures and their Representation." Global Mass Communication Review, III: 34-45
    MLA : Amin, Salman, Saadia Fatima, and Sajjad Ali. "Dramas and their perception: A Social Awareness of Drama's Structures and their Representation." Global Mass Communication Review, III.I (2018): 34-45 Print.
    OXFORD : Amin, Salman, Fatima, Saadia, and Ali, Sajjad (2018), "Dramas and their perception: A Social Awareness of Drama's Structures and their Representation", Global Mass Communication Review, III (I), 34-45
    TURABIAN : Amin, Salman, Saadia Fatima, and Sajjad Ali. "Dramas and their perception: A Social Awareness of Drama's Structures and their Representation." Global Mass Communication Review III, no. I (2018): 34-45.