Exploring Transgender's Representation, Perceptions and Experiences: An Analytical Study of Portrayal of Transgenders in Bollywood Movies and Its Effects on Transgender Community of Lahore, Pakistan
The study attempts to analyze the portrayal of transgender in Bollywood movies and also explored viewpoints of transgender's regarding their representation in selected Bollywood movies. The study focused on them with reference to their problems and challenges. Queer and framing theories provide theoretical implications for the study. The queer theory implies that media content establishes the identities of transgenders through characterization in stereotypical ways, while framing theory infers that media adopt particular frames to enable viewers to think about the transgender's community in a specific manner. Content analysis, survey and intensive interviews were used as research methods. The study concluded that there is a stereotypical representation of transgenders in Bollywood movies. They are portrayed as sex workers, beggars, criminals and dancers. However, the transgender community is looking for a change regarding the stigmatization and misconceptions about them.
Media Representations, Transgender's Experiences, Bollywood Movies
(1) Zaeem Yasin
Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Sumera Batool
Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Iqra Naseer
MS Mass Communication, Department of Mass Communication, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Yasin, Z., Batool, S., & Naseer, I. (2020). Exploring Transgender's Representation, Perceptions and Experiences: An Analytical Study of Portrayal of Transgenders in Bollywood Movies and Its Effects on Transgender Community of Lahore, Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, V(III), 95-108. https://doi.org/10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-III).08
CHICAGO : Yasin, Zaeem, Sumera Batool, and Iqra Naseer. 2020. "Exploring Transgender's Representation, Perceptions and Experiences: An Analytical Study of Portrayal of Transgenders in Bollywood Movies and Its Effects on Transgender Community of Lahore, Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, V (III): 95-108 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-III).08
HARVARD : YASIN, Z., BATOOL, S. & NASEER, I. 2020. Exploring Transgender's Representation, Perceptions and Experiences: An Analytical Study of Portrayal of Transgenders in Bollywood Movies and Its Effects on Transgender Community of Lahore, Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, V, 95-108.
MHRA : Yasin, Zaeem, Sumera Batool, and Iqra Naseer. 2020. "Exploring Transgender's Representation, Perceptions and Experiences: An Analytical Study of Portrayal of Transgenders in Bollywood Movies and Its Effects on Transgender Community of Lahore, Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, V: 95-108
MLA : Yasin, Zaeem, Sumera Batool, and Iqra Naseer. "Exploring Transgender's Representation, Perceptions and Experiences: An Analytical Study of Portrayal of Transgenders in Bollywood Movies and Its Effects on Transgender Community of Lahore, Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, V.III (2020): 95-108 Print.
OXFORD : Yasin, Zaeem, Batool, Sumera, and Naseer, Iqra (2020), "Exploring Transgender's Representation, Perceptions and Experiences: An Analytical Study of Portrayal of Transgenders in Bollywood Movies and Its Effects on Transgender Community of Lahore, Pakistan", Global Mass Communication Review, V (III), 95-108
TURABIAN : Yasin, Zaeem, Sumera Batool, and Iqra Naseer. "Exploring Transgender's Representation, Perceptions and Experiences: An Analytical Study of Portrayal of Transgenders in Bollywood Movies and Its Effects on Transgender Community of Lahore, Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review V, no. III (2020): 95-108. https://doi.org/10.31703/gmcr.2020(V-III).08