News Framing of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on Tolo News Web TV and Afghanistan International Web TV
Late 2021 saw a significant change in global politics when the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Taliban) came into existence after the fall of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Countries across the globe did not recognize this new government because they had not yet considered the demands of the international community regarding girls' education, Inclusive government, women's work, and freedom of speech. This study aims to understand how Afghanistan International Television and TOLO News framed the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in their web-based news from April to July 2022. The findings reveal key contrasts in news outlining and obtaining. TOLO News emphasized responsibility and frequently quoted IEA officials, AITV primarily utilized a conflict frame and focused on the economic implications. The discoveries demonstrate that TOLO News kept a nonpartisan position, while AITV showed a dominatingly negative inclination against the IEA.
Islamic Emirate, Framing, AITV, TOLO News, Content Analysis, Thematic
(1) Abdul Rahman Alkozai
MS Scholar, Department of Media & Communication Studies, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Rooh Ul Amin Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Media & Communication Studies, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Bin Yamin Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication & Media Studies, Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Alkozai, A. R., Khan, R. U. A., & Khan, B. Y. (2024). News Framing of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on Tolo News Web TV and Afghanistan International Web TV. Global Mass Communication Review, IX(II), 112-124.
CHICAGO : Alkozai, Abdul Rahman, Rooh Ul Amin Khan, and Bin Yamin Khan. 2024. "News Framing of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on Tolo News Web TV and Afghanistan International Web TV." Global Mass Communication Review, IX (II): 112-124 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2024(IX-II).10
HARVARD : ALKOZAI, A. R., KHAN, R. U. A. & KHAN, B. Y. 2024. News Framing of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on Tolo News Web TV and Afghanistan International Web TV. Global Mass Communication Review, IX, 112-124.
MHRA : Alkozai, Abdul Rahman, Rooh Ul Amin Khan, and Bin Yamin Khan. 2024. "News Framing of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on Tolo News Web TV and Afghanistan International Web TV." Global Mass Communication Review, IX: 112-124
MLA : Alkozai, Abdul Rahman, Rooh Ul Amin Khan, and Bin Yamin Khan. "News Framing of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on Tolo News Web TV and Afghanistan International Web TV." Global Mass Communication Review, IX.II (2024): 112-124 Print.
OXFORD : Alkozai, Abdul Rahman, Khan, Rooh Ul Amin, and Khan, Bin Yamin (2024), "News Framing of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on Tolo News Web TV and Afghanistan International Web TV", Global Mass Communication Review, IX (II), 112-124
TURABIAN : Alkozai, Abdul Rahman, Rooh Ul Amin Khan, and Bin Yamin Khan. "News Framing of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on Tolo News Web TV and Afghanistan International Web TV." Global Mass Communication Review IX, no. II (2024): 112-124.