Printed Versus Electronic Books: Uses and Preference of Mass Media Students in Lahore
This study is an exertion to determine the preference of university students regarding the usage of electronic books. Postulates of displacement theory were applied to find out the reasons behind students' adoption of online mode of reading and its effects on learning outcome. The study has examined that if the printed books will be totally replaced by the electronic version or not. A sample of 150 university students studying in the Mass Communication department was selected. Survey methodology was employed to find answers to the research questions. The findings of the study revealed that students preferred using electronic books to printed books. The e-books are considered cost-friendly, easy to access and portable. With the help of findings, it was concluded that e-books had become part and parcel of the life of students, but at the same time, there would be a preference for reading printed books.
Printed Books, E-books, Reading, Students
(1) Shazia Ismail Toor
Assistant Professor, Institute of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Ayesha Ashfaq
Associate Professor, Institute of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Muqaddas Ilyas
Institute of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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Cite this article
APA : Toor, S. I., Ashfaq, A., & Ilyas, M. (2021). Printed Versus Electronic Books: Uses and Preference of Mass Media Students in Lahore. Global Mass Communication Review, VI(I), 70-78.
CHICAGO : Toor, Shazia Ismail, Ayesha Ashfaq, and Muqaddas Ilyas. 2021. "Printed Versus Electronic Books: Uses and Preference of Mass Media Students in Lahore." Global Mass Communication Review, VI (I): 70-78 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2021(VI-I).06
HARVARD : TOOR, S. I., ASHFAQ, A. & ILYAS, M. 2021. Printed Versus Electronic Books: Uses and Preference of Mass Media Students in Lahore. Global Mass Communication Review, VI, 70-78.
MHRA : Toor, Shazia Ismail, Ayesha Ashfaq, and Muqaddas Ilyas. 2021. "Printed Versus Electronic Books: Uses and Preference of Mass Media Students in Lahore." Global Mass Communication Review, VI: 70-78
MLA : Toor, Shazia Ismail, Ayesha Ashfaq, and Muqaddas Ilyas. "Printed Versus Electronic Books: Uses and Preference of Mass Media Students in Lahore." Global Mass Communication Review, VI.I (2021): 70-78 Print.
OXFORD : Toor, Shazia Ismail, Ashfaq, Ayesha, and Ilyas, Muqaddas (2021), "Printed Versus Electronic Books: Uses and Preference of Mass Media Students in Lahore", Global Mass Communication Review, VI (I), 70-78
TURABIAN : Toor, Shazia Ismail, Ayesha Ashfaq, and Muqaddas Ilyas. "Printed Versus Electronic Books: Uses and Preference of Mass Media Students in Lahore." Global Mass Communication Review VI, no. I (2021): 70-78.