NARRATIVE BUILDING BY BALOCH SEPARATIST ON X A THEMATIC ANALYSIS      10.31703/gmcr.2024(IX-I).03      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : Mahwish Inam , MuhammadAshfaq , SajjadAli

03 Pages : 38-50


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  • A Ardèvol-abreu. (2015). Framing theory in communication research. Origins, development and current situation in Spain. 423–450.
  • Abdul, M., & Iqbal, R. (2011). Social mobilisation and online separatist movement in Balochistan. In Margalla Papers.
  • Balshetwar, S. V., Tuganayat, R. M., & Regulwar, G. B. (2019). Frame Tone and Sentiment Analysis. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 7(6), 24–40.
  • Darroch, M. (2006). Language and Media. June, 1–22.
  • Dawson, P. (2020). Hashtag narrative : Emergent storytelling and affective publics in the digital age. 1–16.
  • Grimaldi, S., & Fokkinga, S. (2013). Narratives in Design : A Study of the Types, Applications and Functions of Narratives in Design Practice Narratives in Design : A Study of the Types, Applications and Functions of Narratives in Design Practice. April 2016.
  • Haider, M. W., Azad, T. M., & Warrich, H. U. R. (2020). A Critical Review of Hybrid Warfare: Challenges to Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, V(IV), 72–90.
  • Hussain, S. (2010). Reaping the benefits of peace journalism. Forbes, 185(5), 2–3.
  • Khattak, M. U. R. (2019). Indian Military Modernisation : Implications for Pakistan. In Strategic Studies 39(1), 20–40
  • Marais, W. (2012). Qualitative news frame analysis: a methodology. 21–37.
  • Mourão, R. R. (2015). The Boys on the timeline : Political journalists ’ use of X for building interpretive communities.
  • Qureshi, W. A. (2019). Fourth- and Fifth-Generation Warfare : Technology and Perceptions. 187–216
  • Seethaler, J., & Melischek, G. (2019). X as a tool for agenda building in election campaigns? The case of Austria. Journalism, 20(8), 1087–1107.
  • Torok, R. (2013). Developing an explanatory model for the process of online radicalisation and terrorism.
  • Yang, G. (2016). Narrative agency in hashtag activism: The case of #blacklivesmatter. Media and Communication, 4(4), 13–17.

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    CHICAGO : Inam, Mahwish, Muhammad Ashfaq, and Sajjad Ali. 2024. "Narrative Building by Baloch Separatist on X: A Thematic Analysis." Global Mass Communication Review, IX (I): 38-50 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2024(IX-I).03
    HARVARD : INAM, M., ASHFAQ, M. & ALI, S. 2024. Narrative Building by Baloch Separatist on X: A Thematic Analysis. Global Mass Communication Review, IX, 38-50.
    MHRA : Inam, Mahwish, Muhammad Ashfaq, and Sajjad Ali. 2024. "Narrative Building by Baloch Separatist on X: A Thematic Analysis." Global Mass Communication Review, IX: 38-50
    MLA : Inam, Mahwish, Muhammad Ashfaq, and Sajjad Ali. "Narrative Building by Baloch Separatist on X: A Thematic Analysis." Global Mass Communication Review, IX.I (2024): 38-50 Print.
    OXFORD : Inam, Mahwish, Ashfaq, Muhammad, and Ali, Sajjad (2024), "Narrative Building by Baloch Separatist on X: A Thematic Analysis", Global Mass Communication Review, IX (I), 38-50
    TURABIAN : Inam, Mahwish, Muhammad Ashfaq, and Sajjad Ali. "Narrative Building by Baloch Separatist on X: A Thematic Analysis." Global Mass Communication Review IX, no. I (2024): 38-50.